Search results

  1. OneJArpus

    1J Vacum/Map/BOV

    Ok, i've search for some time to find pictures of a stock or bpu supra and how the vacum lines are ran for the BOV, Charcole canister, vacum ports on the d/s, map sensor, and all other vacum sources that need to be hooked up. I can not find any pictures. I have the vacum diagram for the 1J...
  2. OneJArpus

    My rant and problems (VENTING V1.0)

    ok here goes, i don't rant or rave all that often but i think its time for a pretty good ranting and raving session. First of all i've worked with the same company for 3 years and 9 months. I just got laid off WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!. They stated that its because the economy. They said that i'm...
  3. OneJArpus

    1J Not starting (No fuel)

    Ok i have a few issues i'm trying to overcome. Car - 88 Supra 1J Harness untouched DM jumper harness extension done for body plugs EA2 Connector soldered by me using a diagram i had before but can no longer find for what ever reason. if you have it please let me get it to recheck my work. I...
  4. OneJArpus

    Abflug Brass Solid Shift Collar A70 Supra

    Anyone have any experience with this? Abflug Brass Solid Shift Collar A70 Supra You are viewing a brand new Abflug Brass Solid Shift Collar for the A70 Supra with the 5-speed transmission. This item will replace the...
  5. OneJArpus

    NJ Job Search - IT Field - Help

    Ok here's the deal, I'm currently working as a customer service rep for a storage company. I've been here for 3 1/2 yrs, they are turning into shit right now. I go to school part time from 6 to 11pm at The Chubbs Insititute for computer networking & security. I have personal knowledge of...
  6. OneJArpus

    1JZ Harness Routing

    Ok, i drilled a hole right by the throttle cable and the harness comes in just above to the right of the gas pedal. How do i route it behind the dash to the love box area?!?! The white box behind the dash pretty much gives me no room but to move a few wires. Some of the clips are big so its hard...
  7. OneJArpus

    2JZ Power Steering Line Install

    I had a thread about this before. I tried to install the line but it doesn't seem like anything is working. Its a stock 2J line trying to connect to a 1J Power steering pump. Does anyone have any pictures of how its installed? If not i'll just dish this idea and get a DM line. pic of line...
  8. OneJArpus

    Plasma Pong

    If you haven't played this game please do so. It is PONG with a twist. This is addictive!!!!! only 7MB total!
  9. OneJArpus

    1jz Fuel Setup

    I have a Walbro that i am going to install. Other then that, thats it stock fuel. When i pulled the 7M the J tube was still in the engine bay. Do i need to hook that up to the 1J? I'd like to get some pics of people with stock fuel lines hooked up so i know how i can do it. Thanks
  10. OneJArpus

    sick 1j

    double click link(video) to watch - do not click the "PLAY BUTTON" the other thread stated to double click video. Video will not play when embeded because! "Embedding disabled by request" from the person who has it on their profile so yea. NICE...
  11. OneJArpus

    Steering column Question

    Does anyone know the thread size for the steering column where the steering wheel mounds too. Also do you know how many splines there are. I ran into a problem where vise grips were used on my column messing up a few threads and 1 to 3 splines. I'm trying to see fi they can be repaired but i...
  12. OneJArpus

    My newest purchase

    Mad JDM tyte! What a battle on e-bay. Anyone want a complete 88 set ?? PM for price?
  13. OneJArpus

    1J Flywheel question

    I have a 1J flywheel that i got resurfaced. The place that did it ended up resurfacing it completely flat not putting in the "step up" does anyone have the specs as to how low this should be? I'm going to bring it back to get it redone the correct way. example - look at the raised part for the...
  14. OneJArpus

    Fuel tank leak (where tank is connected by the lines near the diff)

    Help, i have a small leak that just got worse. I was working on my project car when i noticed a small leak from the gas tank. I checked under the car and i saw where it was leaking from. I touched the line that connects to the gas tank and it was wet with gasoline. I wanted to see if it was...
  15. OneJArpus

    Rear main seal

    Im curious if the rear main seal of the 2J is it the same as the 1J?
  16. OneJArpus

    Resurfacing 1J FlyWheel

    I have my FW pulled and i am going to have it resurfaced. But before i do what is the proper way of doing so, so i can inform the person machining it so the FW doesn't get F**ked and eat my 500+$ clutch away.
  17. OneJArpus

    Anyone find anything weird in their 1J

    ??????? I did i found a C batter stuffed in my PCV hose wrapped in red tape WTF!? lol Damn japs. Pic coming soon
  18. OneJArpus


    I have a huge problem! Yesterday something broke and it made the car act weird. I looked under the car and i see the D/S traction arm laying on the floor still connected but broken! i dont have a good picture of it. Where does the arm connect too?????? I need to get this fixed ASAP :( Any...
  19. OneJArpus

    Oil Filter Relocation Kit/Cooler Setup(Assistance)

    Hi all, i need some assistance making a complete oil cooling/relocation kit. I know there are alot of threads but i want to know what i need exactly. This is going into an 88 1J Supra. Oil Filter relocation kits...
  20. OneJArpus

    KSport insall & Questions

    Hi all, i have a question about the KSport coilovers. I installed the fronts, after doing so i forgot that i did not adjust them more and guess what! they slammed the car so hard that the front subframe is only .5 inches from the gound hah! Looks hot but so not my style. One of my...