Search results

  1. crisp

    SNAKE and SUPRA!

    Ok... so, not much about the SUPRA here... but when I walked out last night around 11pm to put the hood down, THIS guy was "snaking" his way around the car! (I took him in the house for the better lighting!:biglaugh: ) I believe this guy is an Eastern Milk Snake... a "true...
  2. crisp

    HKS 550cc INJECTORS - crispillustrated...

    ^^^ HOT! HOT! HOT! ...well... pretty MILD, maybe... but took me a dozen years to finally get 'em! (Actually, they are labeled as MATSUDA (Mazda) injectors on the box in Japanese... whereas the "original" HKS injectors were "exclusive" product, I think.) An EVENING job... at...
  3. crisp

    crisp's lower GI tract...

    I suppose you could call it an automotive "GastroIntestinal" tract... Trip to the shop... OLD can... Takin' it off... at the flange of the HKS downpipe/faux-catalytic segment... which has been on the car for about 15 years! Here's a shot of the "current" hybrid...
  4. crisp


    ...done alot of miscellaneous lately... and until I get the "photo story" put together... (shots of ALL MANNER of stuff I've been doing:biglaugh: ...I thought I'd post a "silly" of me "re-torquing" the head after some hard running since my last head install... BTW, some of the "rear" studs had...
  5. crisp

    crispkringle came to town...

    ^^^ I'll be adding that stuff to this now... Merry Crispmas to me! WOOT!:biglaugh: -crisp
  6. crisp

    CLAY BAR crisperience...

    Well, I never used a "CLAY BAR" before... but I gave it a try yesterday with the old Supra! This car sat OUTDOORS under an OAK TREE in the SUN, RAIN, SNOW, ICE, BIRD-SHLIT, and TREE SAP (from overhanging PINE) for a NUMBER of YEARS!!! (LOTSa neglect... :-? ) A couple washes since I got it...
  7. crisp

    crisp's TURBO SWAP...

    Okay, so I did the "search" for a couple weeks... and observed the condition known as "blow turbo oil seals"... (rear seals... seeing as how the load on decel at vacuum would net the max white/bluish-tint smoke cloud...) I believe mine were JUST starting to go... as it SAT for five years...
  8. crisp

    crisp's supra... rim experiment.

    061907crisp ^^^ Had these rims laying around off my '04 Solara... so I tossed them on for an "experiment". Wearing BS Potenza RE960AS PP's in a 235/50/17... intended for the 'lara... after the experiment!:biglaugh: I kinda like the STOCK TOYOTA rims... little "T-BULL" centers and...
  9. crisp

    EFI fuse blows...

    Okay, this is post #2 for crisp! ...moving right along... '89 MKIII Turbo I have had an issue with the EFI fuse (15A) blowing. The car will START and RUN fine... but when I begin to DRIVE it... and LOAD the motor wherein BOOST begins to "spool"... the fuse will go. I "swap it" and...
  10. crisp

    crisp I am...

    ^^^ Older days... when I was YOUNG and LIGHTER. ^^^ More recent... bedhead... and the suspect vehicle... needing some TLC! Looking forward to the Supra community in here. This is my 3rd Supra, 2nd MKIII, and the sole TURBO of the bunch. I've had this project car for over a...