Lots of companies and individuals use the same photos to sell stuff.
How many companies out there sell widebands kits and have the same exact pics of the wideband on their site?..Alot!
I dont see anything wrong with that...
Just buy from whoever you want to. Simple
Come Aaron...Make him a man...give him some fighting lessons.
Thats what I do my g/f's kitty...I slap him or push him around and make him and he jumps in the air for my hand...to grab it with his paws and bite it..lol.
I know there will be other cats out to fight so I train him.
Even if a guy is a good engine builder, he could have made a mistake.
And if that mistake was the cause of rodknock, he wont admit it.
Now if he is a honest person he will and that means he will have to rebuild it all again correctly for free.
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