I've been messing with this photo of my car for a while trying to remove the blur. James (Mac_daddy) on here and I went and took some Pics of his IS300 and my supra but it seems his Nikon didn't focus to well in the weird lighting and darkness.
Whats an AE86 worth???
I've got a 95' ZX600R Ninja. He is wanting to trade it for a bike, I dunno why but I wanna trade this but something is telling me NO.....
Ok, so I replaced the EFI main relay switch and....it didn't fuckin change a goddamn thing. The reason I thought it would be the problem is that when I replace it with a wire (complete the curcuit) the pump runs when the car is ON and runs like it used to, but when I put in the relay....It...
Ok, So I've got 2jzgte, with Dr. Tweeks wiring, I'm kinda pissed right now so bare with me.
I've got less that 10k miles on this swap, Aristo 2j BTW. Anyways, Drove to the park tonight went spent some time walkin around, then came back like 2 hours later and bam fuel pump doesn't even turn on...
935 doesn't sell them separate, when I got mine from 935 I stupidly ordered the wrong harness.
Only place I see is suprastore.com (http://www.suprastore.com/grtutihasumk.html)
But I've read threads that are saying that its not wise to order from them.
anyone know where I can get the harness...
Can't find one, and was having some fun messing with a turbo'ed 240 going to school today. Just would be nice to meet more true enthusiast than just seeing civics with pillar pods that are sporting water gauges.
As the title says, I've got a pair of Icemats and well the right speaker went out, its over the year warranty so I opened them up and the wire that goes into the tweeter to make it vibrate has broken lose, needless to say there is no possible way to reattach it. So Does anyone know a replacement...
So as stated when I get a lead foot for a few seconds and do a pull, the boost gauge will read like .04 then .06 then back to .04 then to .06 while I'm keeping my foot in the same place on the petal. What can this be? It only does it for like a min or so, or until I let off the gas and then back...
Ok, So I Hope to god I haven't fucked my gauges up. I've got SM Integrate gauges, EGT and a boost gauge.
So I was working on the car, battery is on, stereo is going, and I some how manage to pull the main line out of the back of the controller unit. Don't ask. Now I've got it plugged back in...
I've got a 1987 NA supra With a 2jzgte in it, has the walbro fuel pump, wiring was done by the good doc at pheonixtuning. BTW i have just the down pipe on right now, I don't think this would be a factor but its info.
Anyways when I step on it, I seem to hit fuel cut or boost cut still trying to...
Ok, so here it is.
As you all know The car is an 87 NA with a 2jzgte in it.
Now the problem is, when any of this happens: driving over a bump, breaking, accelerating, and highway speed engine slow downs(letting out on the gas and not using the breaks), My battery and parking break dummy...
Ok, so I have been asking around and just wanted to know if this will work.
Ok so , I used a T off of here into the Charcoal canister.
Into C Canister...
Then Back to the fuel tank vapor thingy...ma jiger...dealio...thing..
Then the bottom of the canister exits here, right below the...
Ok, So As stated my crap wiring skills have put me in a rut. So I did the 12v relay and the 12v resistor mod. Well the problem is it is only getting power when I take and put 12v directly to my pump from the battery. The car then fired right up!
On the NA 1987
I have found FP and B+ and I...
Ok So I have read a lot on the whole removal of the evap system, and basically have come to the conclusion...93 and vapor = bad idea...So I want to keep the 7m Charcoal Canister...But I have one slight problem. The 7m canister has 2 inlets, the 2jzgte Canister has 3. So how would I go about...
Well I've gone on greddy's site but they don't have it, hooking up the gauges is easy, wiring in the SMI Controller is well...not so easy, it has 4 wires one has a in line fuse...Basically I'm looking for a manual or something to help me wire this...
I've also emailed them, but that was nearly a...
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