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  1. SupraMario

    It has BHG...That isn't the original, GrimJack (I suspect his wife) changed it to have the woman...

    It has BHG...That isn't the original, GrimJack (I suspect his wife) changed it to have the woman as a 1jz, I just ended up adding the Gundam as the 2jz.
  2. SupraMario

    Ruger 10-22, what's a fair price these days?

    .22lr is good for about 100ish yards, I don't think he is looking to hit something a mile away. A .22lr rifle is an awesome round to have. I just bought a .17hmr savage and it's good out to about 150 yards. I hunt squirel and rabbit with my .22lr and I think I will soon be using the 17 hmr for...
  3. SupraMario

    How are your stores ammo shelves looking in your state?

    The people buying it are mostly first timers and the people who are still freaking basically when their CC bills get back to them in a few months...shit is going to kinda already has begun. I'm seeing stuff on my local forum now just sit and get bumped each day with a...
  4. SupraMario

    Colorado sucks. 15 rd mag limits July 2013. Hurry and buy a full size pistol now?

    First thing I did with my EDC 1911 was dump some Hogue grips onto it for $ $20 I've spent ever.
  5. SupraMario

    Bitcoins, and Bitcoin Mining...?

    Good luck mining, basically if you didn't do it in the start like many of us did...your KWs (electrical bill) are going to kill you. This is why mining groups are huge now. Honestly it's really not worth it. Another issue with bitcoins is if you saw recently the price sky rocketed and then...
  6. SupraMario

    Colorado sucks. 15 rd mag limits July 2013. Hurry and buy a full size pistol now?

    ????? That sounds like an argument that why do we need high cap mags.....You've lost me Mike...
  7. SupraMario

    Colorado sucks. 15 rd mag limits July 2013. Hurry and buy a full size pistol now?

    Quite the opposite. I was comparing that the argument of "why do we need high cap mags, when you only need one bullet" With well if you use that logic than a horse or bicycle works just as well as a car.
  8. SupraMario

    Colorado sucks. 15 rd mag limits July 2013. Hurry and buy a full size pistol now?

    I think the same applies for the idea of why does someone need a car when a bicycle or horse works just as well...
  9. SupraMario

    Colorado sucks. 15 rd mag limits July 2013. Hurry and buy a full size pistol now?

    O yea..I forgot about Memphis and that new shit hole Mburo....yea stay away from those two shit hole cities and you will be fine.
  10. SupraMario

    Colorado sucks. 15 rd mag limits July 2013. Hurry and buy a full size pistol now?

    Wait what's wrong with TN? People are moving here in droves (which I hate)....We are one of the only states that didn't get really hit with the recession...I would love to know what is wrong with TN...
  11. SupraMario

    Colorado sucks. 15 rd mag limits July 2013. Hurry and buy a full size pistol now?

    Would it be possible to circumvent this bill buy purchasing it out of state and just shipping it to your FFL?
  12. SupraMario

    Colorado sucks. 15 rd mag limits July 2013. Hurry and buy a full size pistol now?

    Ouch...sell it? Move? Profit? Sell it to some anti-gun nut....advertise as home in gun free state lol
  13. SupraMario

    Colorado sucks. 15 rd mag limits July 2013. Hurry and buy a full size pistol now?

    Honestly...I would just move from that shit hole...
  14. SupraMario

    Anyone have any interesting/cool collections?

    Do Cigars count if I end up smoking them after a few months? Guns is a given...same with cars...
  15. SupraMario

    Did you miss me?

    Shit, I just hit 27...I get mad when I hear music from someones car in my neighborhood lol.
  16. SupraMario

    Did you miss me?

    No one missed you, you old bastard :P
  17. SupraMario

    Ruger 10-22, what's a fair price these days?

    Old bump I know but now that this craziness is dying down, I'm seeing them here in TN go for around $300 new...used you can get them from 200-275...
  18. SupraMario

    How are your stores ammo shelves looking in your state?

    Yup. It's why they keep selling it that high. The $980 was sold in under a day...
  19. SupraMario

    How are your stores ammo shelves looking in your state? 4000 Rounds of .22 LR Ammo by Federal - 38gr CPHP Email to a Friend 20 Ready to Ship $849.00 They had 5200 rounds for $980 a day ago....all sold...that's almost $100 a brick lol