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  1. K

    ultimate targa sub what do you think ????

    Nice you just made me think a little 3 way setup front and rear I am going to make this happen.
  2. K

    ultimate targa sub what do you think ????

    Good call I will add it to the list I was expecting a lot more vibration noise on the exterior but the looks expanding foam helped with more than just sealing the quarter panel no to figure out something to do about the whole no mid bass thing and low vocal part of it got any ideas for that i...
  3. K

    ultimate targa sub what do you think ????

    Sorry i do not i didn't think about it it is just a face plate that i made to mount the speaker then i sealed the inner fender gaps and spaces with expanding foam to seal it all up now where the rear seat belt bolts to just just cut a piece of cardboard to keep the expanding foam from falling...
  4. K

    ultimate targa sub what do you think ????

    I was thinking the supra needs a little more low end as everyone else thinks also here Iis what i came up with 8" MA audio 500 watt just made it with some stuff I had laying around tell me what you think updates post 8
  5. K

    throttle body boring

    Less expensive website keeps his cost down it turn keeps our cost down i like it. How many thousands of dollars are spent on high price marketing I can't stand it sell a good product and word gets around quick.
  6. K

    Is this knock?

    Also flywheel check to add to his list
  7. K

    7mgte neutral rev issue

    I test iac valve whille you are there per tsrm nick want to help him out with that link too thanks
  8. K

    7mgte neutral rev issue

    Change tps if you have another to throw on see if problem is still there and adjust properly. Per tsrm dontt have link to it hvyman this is where you come in lol
  9. K

    R154 heat

    you snap you just got served lol :aigo: :naughty:
  10. K

    mines ecu how much ????

    Good looking out there I can't read the sticker on the back I hope they can tell me from the chips
  11. K

    mines ecu how much ????

    I will have to see what chips are in it i wonder if I can tell from that
  12. K

    mines ecu how much ????

    I have a mines ecu what do they sell for now a days i know that there a rare item and don't see them for sale much.
  13. K

    Thank you Supramania community!

    O lol was going to ask if you wanted to meet up some time for a meet not to steal your thread or anyrhing
  14. K

    duel ignitor getting hot help please

    I am looking for someone that is supra electrical say to do this mod to test for me must have factory ecu present and wasted spark setup preferably with morgansons cop coils also can rum upwards of 15+ pounds of boost maft pro guys Safc guys needed here plz
  15. K

    Wheel Fitment & Question Thread

    How close is the rear to the rim to the coilover
  16. K

    Wheel Fitment & Question Thread

    I found a set of rims 18x9 +35 front 18x10.5 +20 rear will they fit I do not want to tuck tire I prefer flush fit what do you think will need to be done to the suspension I am currently on stock style struts no coil overs yet
  17. K

    throttle body boring

    Sorry just seen this pm is the best way to get a hold of me i made my own adapter for my throttle body I rum a 90mm much different than the stock q45 tb let me know how it works post some pics the holes on the q45 should line op for mounting you will maybe need a spacer between the tps and the...
  18. K

    greddy bumper lights *pics*

    I am not one to do that everything I have done so far with the mk3 I have not i think i will with this one I will for a little whille at least just because of how long it took me to find them and no one else has done it before that I have seen just want to be a little bit different from the...