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  1. *james*

    clutch slipping

    Most likely the stock clutch. It has 165k. It had the stock hg too when i got it, looks like its never been taken apart. I've changed that with the titan 1.4mm mhg and just have a 3" exhaust turbo back so far. Spent most of my money getting it running good and replaced worn things. I got it...
  2. *james*

    clutch slipping

    My clutch has started slipping, but i also have a bad clutch master cylinder. The clutch pedal goes dead once in a while when the fluid is low but if i bleed it and fill it back up it works fine again. I have the master just havent put the new one in yet. Could the bad master cylinder have...
  3. *james*

    Who's drunk right now!?

    Gettin drunk tonight!
  4. *james*

    How do I get rid of gunk like this on paint?

    Use adhesive remover, scotch brite or wet sand and buff.
  5. *james*

    rolling back w/ e-brake on and in gear?

    I will check the shoes and tighten the cable tonight. The previous owner(s) probably drifted it or drove with it up, I don't use the e-brake to drift, and haven't really drifted much due to shitty tires, I'm trying to save them till I get my new ones. I just wanted to make sure there is nothing...
  6. *james*

    rolling back w/ e-brake on and in gear?

    When I park on an un-level ground and put my e-brake on I roll backwards, I know I probably need to tighten that..but when im in neutral turn it off while holding the foot brake and then put it in gear it still rolls backwards in 1st or reverse with the e brake on. It does not roll forward...
  7. *james*

    no start after re-torquing head and changing cam seals.

    Yeah its the last thing I would think of.
  8. *james*

    no start after re-torquing head and changing cam seals.

    the dowel pin on the exhaust cam was wrong, running perfect!! Thanks for your help man, hopefully see ya at a meet sometime planning on going to a few this summer.
  9. *james*

    oil smoke off the manifold HELP!

    I'm guessing the exhaust manifold since its burning, check the cps o-ring if its towards the front, there may not be one there..
  10. *james*

    no start after re-torquing head and changing cam seals.

    Ok ill try that after work and then let you know. Thanks.
  11. *james*

    no start after re-torquing head and changing cam seals.

    Ok I didn't do that so I'm probably one notch off, and put the cps in first then turn it to tdc or does it matter?
  12. *james*

    no start after re-torquing head and changing cam seals.

    The cam gears were off and I actually lost one of the pins but I got a new from toyota and put it in, there are 3 holes for the pins I put the pins in the middle hole on both gears is that right? And I don't know if I did compensate for the helical gears to be honest I just did what
  13. *james*

    no start after re-torquing head and changing cam seals.

    0 degrees on the crank, made sure I was on compression stroke, then the cam pulleys lined up at the notches, re-aligned the cps and slid it in so the bolt is in the middle of the flange for adjustment both ways...
  14. *james*

    no start after re-torquing head and changing cam seals.

    Ok I just retorqued the head and changed the cam seals after I just replaced the hg on my 7m. I forgot to re-align the cps so I pulled that out and did that and still no start, it cranks and sometimes gives me a small backfire. I have a code 51 and that's it. That is the tps or ac circuit, I'm...
  15. *james*

    Dashpot mod: to solve engine stalling when venting BOV to atmosphere

    Same problem here with the blitz bov that came on the car when I got it, planning on getting the hks ssqv, isn't that bov made to be vented to the atmosphere and stops it from stalling? If not I'm going to try your idea.
  16. *james*

    I hate decisions (help me?)

    Since its between two colors why don't you do a two tone, the two tone supras look very nice and you can keep the engine bay the same color. Any brand new paint is going to look good (if it's painted well). The stripes wouldn't look bad either, its up to you. But with a white supra black or...
  17. *james*

    Oil Leak between timing cover/head patchable?

    Same problem here right after I replaced my hg with a mhg. Its the camseals I bet, mine were just not on all the way and I lost almost all my oil within 3 days. So pull the timing cover off, the pulleys (don't drop the pins for the pulleys like I did) and then the black cover behind the pulleys...
  18. *james*

    Does White look right?

    +1 to that. White just doesn't look right on it to me, the chrome I like but its your car man, do your own thing. Some will like, some won't who cares as long as it looks good to you.