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  1. JDMMA70

    1JZ vs 7M Auto Transmission Questions.

    Well come to find out the transmission that was sold to me as being a 7MGTE A340e turns out to be a 1JZ auto. Yeah fun, so i already know the tq converter wont fit. But im short on time will a 2jzge tq converter fit? or even a gte? Any alternatives? Also would the kickdown cable be shorter or...
  2. JDMMA70

    Automatic Transmission Cooler Mounting Spots

    I had a thread in the Oil and Lube sub section but i feel this is off topic from that thread. Im looking for pics of mounting locations to mount a tranny cooler. Now ive got stock IC and Oil Cooler, i still have AC, my foglamps in place, and ive got a 11x11x1.5" tranny cooler. The only viable...
  3. JDMMA70

    Auto Tranny cooler Questions

    I could figure out if this was more appropriate here on in the transmission subforum. Well this does have to do with lubrication. Im picking up another auto soon and i plan on shimming the accumulators while its out, changing the strainer too. Also i plan on installing a cooler for it. I was...
  4. JDMMA70

    New Lock Cylinder Set Questions

    Im having a hell of day right now. However i need to know if Toyota can no longer get Pre89 Lock Cylinder sets will 89+ lock cylinders bolt right in to a Pre89? Thanks ~JDMMA70
  5. JDMMA70

    My fuel milage woes, faulty o2 sensor?

    So i get roughly 16.2mpg ON THE FREEWAY, before anyone says boost leaks, checked em ZERO. Now i have zero codes as well, car runs smooth and great just gets shitty milage. I am auto as well but even i know it shouldnt be THAT bad. Now i know my car runs rich occasionally when on the highway and...
  6. JDMMA70

    Pre89 and 89+ Foglamp Differences (USDM/JDM/EDM) w/ Pics

    I thought that some people who may not know the difference will find this informative and interesting (Like my Euro Folding Mirror thread). This is mainly for EDM, USDM, and JDM foglamps. Most know that the Austrailian delivered Supras had driving lamps in place of the foglamps. Well after...
  7. JDMMA70

    Early Production Turbo A?

    Man your turbo A is a real early model, they didnt even start using the newer body panels until Aug of 88. Maybe the turbo A got the face lift earlier than the other cars.
  8. JDMMA70

    Motul 8100 0W-40

    Anyone had any experiences with this oil. Im getting 6 liters of this for free from a friend. jdub?
  9. JDMMA70

    What my Supra ownership has cost me over the past 3 years

    So its almost June and almost 3 years ago I got my 1988 Supra Turbo, at the time it had 107,254 miles on it. Today it just rolled to 129,131 and its been a great blast! I never plan on selling the car, but even so I got this habit of cataloging all of my receipts, from anything that went towards...
  10. JDMMA70

    Reconditioning Fan Clutch w/ Pics (Completed)

    Well I decided to recondition the used fan clutch i bought from Rich @ SIP. I armed myself with jetjocks instructions Removed the extremely tight screws :: angry :: I pried open the two halves Drained the old silicone oil out and got to cleaning...
  11. JDMMA70

    Supra Turbo fan clutch questions

    I recently picked up a used Turbo Fan Clutch to rebuild. My question is I've heard that Turbo fan clutches are supposed to be bigger is size compared to N/A fan clutches. However from the pile of fan clutches I had to choose from I compared the turbo fan clutch I got to a N/A clutch and noted no...
  12. JDMMA70

    TX2K10 Picture Thread

    Since its raining im posting these pics. These are from Thursday when i was putting my new accordian hose and Intake on. Now for Friday Of course i cleaned up the engine bay. Cruising out to 2K10 with Bluechulappa At 2K10 Bluechulappa...
  13. JDMMA70

    Me vs Steven89

    It was late and cold last Saturday night and i figured my car would run a whole lot better with the colder air. I have my wastegate open slightly so i wouldnt hit fuel cut with my 20G, this is only temp until built motor and or fuel mods. Anywho Steven89 suggested we do some runs and so we did...
  14. JDMMA70

    Poll: What Colour to Refinish OEM 91-92 5Spokes in. *Edit* Mounted onto Supra :)

    I recently purchased (well my sweet mother did as a Christmas gift) a good set of OEM 91-92 5Spokes and im deciding what colour they would look best in to match my car. Heres pics of my car *yes i know there are sawblades in the pic but that will change soon and yes i know it needs...
  15. JDMMA70

    Photoshop Request put these wheels on my car

    please someone put OEM 91-92 5spoke Rims on my car in Silver, Dark Silver, Gunmetal, and Bronze. Trying to decide what colour i want them to be refinished in. Thanks. If you need a better pic let me know. ~JDMMA70
  16. JDMMA70

    TEMS Problem w/ Video

    Ok so i have this wierd issue ill do my best to describe. When the brake pedal is applied firmly above 37mph the tems functions as it should and puts it in full firm mode. However on my way home today after stopping at a friends house. When i started to slow down the tems went to full firm and...
  17. JDMMA70

    2.5TT MK3 vs R35 GT-R

    Found this on youtube while look at Japanese Supra videos. not a bad run car sounds mean.
  18. JDMMA70

    Small Mini-Shoot (JDMMA70 & Bluechulappa) Lots of Pics not 56k friendly

    We got bored and decided to play around with Bluechulappas SLR camera, we arent that good at using it yet so some of the pics didnt come out as good as we hoped. None the less here are the best of what we took enjoy :biglaugh: Sinister! I had to be JDM Tyte...
  19. JDMMA70

    Late 88 with a 89+ block factory? Possible?

    So my question is could my car have come factory with a 89+ block? I know they started making 89's in August of 88. My car was built in June of 88. While changing a hose i noticed my engine block was the later casting, and i went back and looked at all the records of the car, and it never shows...
  20. JDMMA70

    Rear camber rod question

    So i went to get the car aligned today and when it came time to get the rear camber adjusted nothing would move. The bolt would just spin but it wouldnt move the camber in or out. So i figure i need new bolt and bushings but those all cost quite a bit so i figure i may as well get better...