Search results

  1. SupraMario

    Ok, which one of you was it? LOL You got me suspended on XBL

    So much win ROFL :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:
  2. SupraMario

    2 Years in Prison, spilled out to the legion. From a fellow Anon, Excellent Read

    I'm half way through it, but this guy needs to write a book. So far best quote from him: Yea...this shit is deep. I know you all will enjoy it. Just click it and read. ---------- Post added at 12:00 PM ---------- Previous...
  3. SupraMario

    Centric Bolt Tab adjustments for alignment

    So I've got an issue, the rear end of the car can't get properly aligned unless these tabs are actually working well they have bent themselves and allow the bolts to spin. I see that they are welded onto the sub frame. Would it be possible to have these bent back straight and welded on the side...
  4. SupraMario

    This is going to sound crazy, but I'm looking for a used Ejection Seat

    Reason...well my fathers birthday is coming up...back when he was in the air-force he worked on B52's all the time, basically fell in love with the aircraft....long story short he acquired a B52 Ejection seat, he had it for a good 10 years and was stored in my uncles garage before we had our...
  5. SupraMario

    Need Help Identifying a Bolt Part Number

    Trying to figure out what the bolt part number is in this picture. Can't find it in the TSRM or its not even listed. Just looking to replace both of them and can't find a part number or size for it! Plz help!
  6. SupraMario

    Red 92...smashed all to hell...Buy the Shell???

    Looking for some help, I've found this on CL. So it looks like it could be fixed, so I went and saw it. Took some pictures. Is it worth saving? And how much would you give for it? I know pictures are a bit dark, it was like 8pm when I got...
  7. SupraMario

    To The Fucks Who Tried To Break Into My Home, On The Fourth

    Enjoying the wounds? I hope you bleed to death or you will never be the same again. Next time don't pick a house with a Weimaraner in it...I'm now looking to buy a second one. Time to buy a gun....anyone have any good home protection suggestions hand gun wise?
  8. SupraMario

    Special code for O'Reilly Auto Parts website code: 121g I got the upgraded model...
  9. SupraMario

    Better cooling options for 2jzgte with stock clutch fan and radiator

    So Driving home from work today, for the first time ever, my temp hit 1/2 way. Granted it was hot as fk outside, it still kinda shocked me. I'm running stock twins, with a brand new stock radiator and fan shroud, along with a brand new gte water pump and clutch fan. I was wondering what I...
  10. SupraMario

    this drummer is at the wrong gig LOL This guys is FTW!
  11. SupraMario

    HALP peoplez. Need to find out what wheel and lug pattern this wheel is

    I'm trying to sell some wheels on CL and got a call, the person has a car with 5x100. The wheels are supposed to be universal, the fit fine on the poopra so I know it has a 5X114.3 pattern but I don't know the other pattern. I'm at work so I had the roommate look at the wheel. It has ADR 58...
  12. SupraMario

    Visitors found us by searching for......Porn???

    Was just noticing this at the bottom of the forums and just roflcoptered myself to death. LOL Visitors found this page by searching for: supramania , supra mania,, 0, f, supramanai...
  13. SupraMario

    SupraMario's 78 Rolla Build AKA the IS50 I'm going to look at it tonight, I'm seriously thinking about buying this car. I've been wanting to get a good DD and was going to pick up an IS300 but I took one look at this thing and I'm in love!
  14. SupraMario

    2jzge Not passing emissions in a SC300

    So my cousin has a stock SC300 with the 2jz, it is completely stock except for the stock exhaust has been removed and replaced with just straight pipes. HC: Reading is 590 PPM and the limit is 220. CO: Reading is 0.33 and 1.2 is the limit. CO2: Reading is 13.9 and Limit is N/A ( I have no Idea...
  15. SupraMario

    God Like R154 ROFL Where the fuck do some of these people come up with this shit?
  16. SupraMario

    CL Strikes Back, 5 Thousand Dollars for a 92 NA with 151k miles and random white trim

    WOW What the hell is this guy thinking? 5 grand for this?, yea it is a 92...but it looks like ASS. I want to call the person and offer him $1,000 for it...cause its not worth more than that.
  17. SupraMario

    Wiring a 1jz Chaser into a MA70 Car, Help! Yes I've searched

    So I've got some guys and a local supra buddy who has a chaser 1jz and wants to wire it into his MA70 88 turbo car. I've searched here and find very little info, mostly saying it is a pain in the ass to do. Wiring diagrams are few and far between. He is asking for my help this weekend and I...
  18. SupraMario

    Another CL Scam or no, this one is a bit tougher $1500???? I called the number it is legit, just no one picked up.
  19. SupraMario

    Scam or not? This is hard to tell $2850 for this car? With only 81k miles? ???? Scam or not?
  20. SupraMario

    Street Racing Lulz