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  1. besttrans

    9.79 @ 145.9mph

    We might go to the valley wed night or to epping on saturday. I'll let you know, the head is ported by DPR.
  2. besttrans

    9.79 @ 145.9mph

    It was at the valley and no spray. shawn
  3. besttrans

    9.79 @ 145.9mph

    Changed the ar from .70 to a .96 and found out the dfi had a fuel cut at 7500 rpm. Here comes some low 9sec passes from the MK3!! I only got one pass after I figured it out so here are the numbers from the 7M: 60ft=1.610 330=4.230 660= 6.375 mph=115.06 1000=8.224 1320=9.790 mph=145.90...
  4. besttrans

    MK3 Drag Racing at TX2K9

    We are leaving on tuesday so we should hit texas sometime thurs. shawn
  5. besttrans

    MK3 Drag Racing at TX2K9

    Count me in!! shawn-
  6. besttrans

    9.83 @ 143mph movie

    T78 s-trim 1.01 ex dbb
  7. besttrans

    9.83 @ 143mph movie

    Bry- Lets put some studded snows and show em whats up!! Merry x-mas you guys shawn
  8. besttrans

    Englishtown 08 reschedule Nov 15th

    Sunday at atco will also be the no-time money runs!!
  9. besttrans

    Englishtown 08 reschedule Nov 15th

    Sunday I'm in!!!
  10. besttrans

    9.83 @ 143mph movie

    That is a Massachussets plate on the back!
  11. besttrans

    Englishtown 08 reschedule Nov 15th

    I hope the weather holds out. If so I'm there. Shawn
  12. besttrans

    9.83 @ 143mph movie

    No no2 all boost, MT et drags 28x9.
  13. besttrans

    9.83 @ 143mph movie

    Finally a day full of 9 second passes.. backed it up 3 times.
  14. besttrans

    Epping Tomorrow

    Once again... and backed it up 3 times.
  15. besttrans

    Epping Tomorrow

    Weather sucks but tomorrow (sunday) were heading to New England Dragway. Were bringing the supra from PINKS so well hopefully blast off some 9sec passes. We are also bringing a F3 procharged mustang and a 78 mazda rx3 both 8.00 cars for a grudge match. Any and all are welcome up!! Probably the...
  16. besttrans

    Vegas!!!! MK3's smack Talk/update on travellers heading to Vegas

    Duane- I hope you can still make it even if the cars not done. Your definately invited into our corner during the fight, we'd love to have you. shawn-
  17. besttrans

    Vegas!!!! MK3's smack Talk/update on travellers heading to Vegas

    We even painted the car so we could even win the car show too:
  18. besttrans

    Vegas!!!! MK3's smack Talk/update on travellers heading to Vegas

    Keith, Just make the $250 check out to "BESTTRANS / SLOW66" Thank You and have a great day! shawn
  19. besttrans

    Lebanon valley track rental Friday 6-6-08

    Anyone interested call me at 413-736-9496. I believe $70 a car and theres only gonna be a few cars 60-70, if that. Shawn Cassady BEST TRANS