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  1. K

    Pulls to the right under acceleration, causes?

    A good alignement shop should be able to tell you why and what is out of spec just an fyi
  2. K

    AEM v2 pnp or MS3 pro

    I like e u master great product good price all addons IE sensors built very well
  3. K

    Pulls to the right under acceleration, causes?

    Check steering colum to ps rack for unnessary play i had a supra lite in the front from acceleration it would pull ended up being the telescope portion of the colum.
  4. K

    Pulls to the right under acceleration, causes?

    Maybe minor brake drag from bad caliper or e-brake draging a little if you hit the brakes whille its pulling does it go strait or pull more thats a good way to tell if you have a front caliper sticking just thinking small here
  5. K

    Supra mk3 weight loss

    +1 If you are going to do it do it right it is not safe at all to be cutting all weight and safty stuff out of the car without roll cage and same goes for windows.
  6. K

    101MM Stroke 7MGE

    +100 for videos just throwing in a little extra for some other people lol
  7. K

    Piggy Back ecu question

    Not to bash aem but I have been looking into ecumasters I have not tested in the shop yet but all the numbers sit very well with me especially all the addons available for it seem to be of top notch quality give them a call I think its zack over there.
  8. K

    duel ignitor getting hot help please

    Nice thanks for the update I did notice when went with two ignitors the idel smoothed out tremendously.
  9. K

    duel ignitor getting hot help please

    What kind of proformance did you get with two ignitors without the voltage stepup did it still breakup above 15 psi if you were able to test that
  10. K

    Wheel Fitment & Question Thread

    whats your wheel size + offset + tire size up front
  11. K

    Is this knock?

    no need to get to get down about there are other options you can do now it's just a turning point for you I recommend 2jzge non vvti 7melectronics motors are cheep to find then boom your back in the game.
  12. K

    Need help determining year of Wiring Harness

    Pre 89 yellow plugs at ecu post 89+ grey plug on at ecu 89 is a split year has Been made with both pre and post harness determine what year you have by the color
  13. K

    ultimate targa sub what do you think ????

    I was thinking about something like that at first but then I started thinking about people stealing it and breaking the glass in my car to get to it and I thought about the spare tire well and I came to the same conclusion as the last part but i also can't carry a full size spare so then I am...
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    ultimate targa sub what do you think ????

    Updates on hidden sub plastic finished and speaker cover in finished product and yes i still have to do rear hatch carpet
  15. K

    Strange issues with my 87 turbos cooling system

    Put the nose in the air on a big hill and let it run if it don't burp all air out you definitely got combustion to water best wishes to you there
  16. K

    Starting on my first mk3

    That's a little over kill for the hp you are wanting turbo won't spool and and make good power till like 4200 rpm keep in mind you pay for what you get i recommend staying away from that stuff but if money is a problem I would get a lexus afm 550 injectors a turbo with 68 to 81 AR on the hot...
  17. K

    Dimensions of stock brake caliper mounting holes?

    Good info there is that center to center just to confirm