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  1. Figit090

    How can I claim this abandoned car?

    well...remember it's just a car. :) Until tomorrow? you might get lucky man, some people are real slackers when it comes to paperwork...and that's a short deadline :D
  2. Figit090

    it finally happened BHG

    Yeah I know, I was just saying that's probably why nobody else had mentioned it yet, I think you came in at just the right time. :icon_razz
  3. Figit090

    Tire Shredder's MK2 7MGE budget NA screamer build thread

    great job man! cool videos and pics. I want a mkII now. :D :D (well...always have, but more than ever!) by the way, since it came to mind, what is that whine? its obvious in the second video. diff? tranny? it doesn't sound bad, i've just heard it in cars/racing games and i have no idea...
  4. Figit090

    What car(s) do you regret selling the most? (bring pics!!)

    I hope this isn't a reposted topic, I am copying it from another thread on a VW forum I stumbled into, and I thought it would be neat to hear from you guys (being fellow supra owners and all). Plus, I'm not personally partial to golfs' and there were a lot showing up over there. :p I have...
  5. Figit090

    it finally happened BHG

    That sounds, much, much worse. :P You could see the water on the dipstick? You did drain your oil (and coolant, lol) after that and refrain from ever starting it again, right???
  6. Figit090

    it finally happened BHG

    He said it himself; From what he describes, doesn't sound like a BHG. Granted, a 30 dollar test kit might be a small price to pay to save you the trouble and pain of overheating or contaminating you oil... but mentioning that right off the bat could possibly be blowing something simple way...
  7. Figit090

    it finally happened BHG

    yeah that water is going to find the easiest way to flow when the pump adds pressure, if there's a hole in the system...that's the easiest way to flow. Cap it, and once the air bubbles are properly purged, monitor your overflow bottle...that's my tip. monitor your oil as well.
  8. Figit090

    Group A Supra

    wow that's awesome! i wonder how much that racecar is worth? or how many still exist? So this is an original group-a racecar? are there any old pictures of this specific car? I've seen quite a few of several cars but i dunno if this is one.
  9. Figit090

    lol look at this ad in craigslist

    bAAHAHhahahha that's what inbreeding does! i like the single red spraypaint sawblade, so JDM drift yo! 94supra rims? man nothing that guy typed is even remotely correct.
  10. Figit090

    Has anyone done 24 hours of LeMons??

    nice... thanks for the link, great thread! and giving this thread some hits from their site. lol.... That's a nice looking cage. and a good place for a radiator. so many great ideas! ( worries if someone in that build sees this, i'm probably not going to even be started by...
  11. Figit090

    Speedo needle wobbles?

    uuughh! mine does this below 20 mph. they usually fail soon after these symptoms? doesn't twitch above 20 though...
  12. Figit090

    Has anyone done 24 hours of LeMons??

    oh yeah i know, that wasn't my point......... my point is, what i can personally afford... :)
  13. Figit090

    Computer Guys!

    with today's programs, not re-loading windows XP or several years, and one GB dual chanel, i'm just starting to realize issues with memory. i mention not reloading windows because something has become skewed in this box, and causes some user profiles to fuck up, leaving only the MAIN admin...
  14. Figit090

    What do you guys shave with? (gals too if you wish)

    hahha....yeah i bet a lipo would be much better even a ni-mh my shaver has a ni-cd i think! :icon_mad: but with regular charges it does just fine....and holds a decent charge. I'm curious to try a microscreen now.... haha...didn't think about the possibility of a shaving forum...
  15. Figit090

    So, who else is leaving facebook?

    not me
  16. Figit090

    How can I claim this abandoned car?

    nice! it's cool you found a good person to help you out! the fact it's still in their name helps to though no doubt :P (oh and as for the engine, dont be sad if it has rod knock!)
  17. Figit090

    Whats your fastest highway mph ??

    where i live i'd be more worried about smashing a deer at night.....
  18. Figit090

    How can I claim this abandoned car?

    great job man, hope you get it!
  19. Figit090

    So, who else is leaving facebook?

    you can also talk to some in real life, they like that. LOL I met a girl online, as we both entered the same college and wanted to have acquaintances to make things easier.. then I really met her. started hanging out. (mutual attraction) then it abruptly ended. anyway, i realized...