Search results

  1. H

    Door Panel Size?

    Strange request folks. What is the height and length of the interior door panels for the 89-92? I need to know so I can make a flat template interior door panel. I currently don't have any. I have an idea, but I'm not sure that the cardboard that I have is big enough. I need it for a mock...
  2. H

    What wire came loose on my 1JZ?

    OK, I was driving on the freeway today and decided to do a hard pull. So I dropped it into 4th and punched it until I fealt like shifting back into 5th and slowing back down to 80. I look down, and my coolant temp guage/tach/boost gauge/turn signals/window switches/headlights all don't work...
  3. H

    Anybody Sell The Shirt Off Their Back?

    I was at a tax place today so my buddy could drop his W-2 off and I'd get a $10 discount, and the lady behind the desk reads my shirt and offers me $14. The shirt was black and had a long ass list of ways to please a woman, and a list of 3 things to please a man (show up naked, bring food...
  4. H

    SoCalSupra's Down

    Damn. I go to get on and check my mail, and I get a Site Is Under Construction page. Guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow to check my mail and see what rims were offered to me for a very good price.
  5. H

    It's Tax Season, What Are You Going To Do With The Check?

    I know everybody in here has plans for their tax refund, let's hear it. I'm putting all mine into my credit card debt. That'll pay 1 off and leave some for the other one. 700+ credit score, here I come.:naughty:
  6. H

    Anybody Good With Computers?

    I can't watch a DVD now on my computer. If I watch the DVD in Window Media Player, I have video, but no audio. But my programs are only doing this with DVD's. All the rest of my video's are playing with no issues. I just bought a new movie, but I can't watch it. :1zhelp:
  7. H

    My Rep Power Just Went Way Up And I Don't Know How

    OK, my rep power went from 4 to 42 in a matter of 2 days. How did that happen? If someone gives me a good rep, won't I be notified of it? I'm confused still on the whole Rep Power thing.
  8. H

    39 People online at 1:15 AM

    I have an excuse for being up this late since I'm on medical vacation (paid) until the 27th, but what's up with everybody else being up this late? Aaron, Matt, Jonathon, and Noel to name a couple from here in SoCal. You people are some serious night owls. Personally, I can't live without less...
  9. H

    Qualcomm Race Legal Event December 1st

    We're hosting another meet at the Qualcomm Stadium on the 1st here in San Diego, California. It's only about $8 to watch, and $30 to run. But if you want to run, you have to have a Snell 95 or better helmet and pass the inspection (go to for specifics on the inspection). If you...
  10. H

    1JZ Idle Adjuster Screw

    Anybody know the exact size of the idle adjuster screw for the throttle lever on the 1JZ? Ray said the head is 8mm, and the size is 6mm x 0.75. But he wasn't sure on the pitch. Can anybody tell me what the pitch is? I don't have one right now and I'm forced to ghetto rig it with tape and...
  11. H

    Running Lights won't work

    I just got my 1JZ put in and my liscense plate lights up, but the front and rear lights don't. Any body got any suggestions on how to fix this? I don't think it is the fuse, but I'll replace it anyways just in case. If it's not the fuse, I don't know. Adam