Search results

  1. Yellow 13

    Using Plastiguage?

    How do I do use it. The sites instructions were pretty bland. Discuss.
  2. Yellow 13

    What could it be?

    So, my #1 cylinders had a loud knocking coming from it. I know its #1 because I can hear it through the engine and when I pulled out the #1 sparkplug it became very noticeable. The piston had no play sitting in the cylinder and there are no scars on the cylinder wall. I pulled the piston out...
  3. Yellow 13

    Yellow 13's Build/Rebuild

    Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down and I'd like to take a minute just sit right there... Ok, So Ive got 2 cars going right now: 1.) My moms 88' 7MGE undergoing a rebuild. 2.) My 87' Hardtop that Im making for the track. Ill start...
  4. Yellow 13

    Disabling ABS

    Search is FTL How do I go about disabling the ABS. Id like to have a manual over-ride so I can switch it on and off.
  5. Yellow 13

    Putting the engine back in

    Ive got 10 days off of work for summer-fall intersession. So I plan on fixing the rodknock in my moms car. I can pull the engine out with the trans/head/block. But whenever I go to put it back in I can never get the mounts to sit so I end up having to pull the head. I did it once way...
  6. Yellow 13

    Best gas Co.

    Ok alot of threads about octane, but my question is what stations offer the best quality gas. Chevron, Shell, 76, Valero, Arco, etc... I have a 06 scion that I plan to keep running up until my death and then some. The only gas thats ever touched the tank is from 76 and Valero.
  7. Yellow 13

    06' Scion xA VS. Honda S2000

    Ok, Im on my way to Starbucks to get some lunch and I see a silver S2000 sitting at the intersection in front of me. I get up there, the lights still red and were waiting for some cars to go. I roll down my window and lean over and yell to the guy in my best southern accent "So, That thing...
  8. Yellow 13

    Checklist: Yeah I've searched.

    Ok, so sometime this week Me and Hellslegion are gonna be swapping his AT N/A to a MT N/A. I wanna be sure Ive got all the parts to do this before we get started and have his car in pieces. +Heres what I have so far: -87 ECU for MT (Anyone know the diff between AE and AS lettering on the...
  9. Yellow 13

    bad move.

    Just got up awhile ago. First thing I do...reach in the fridge, grab a bottle of smirnoff and slam it. Smirnoff and Chili dont make a good breakfast.
  10. Yellow 13

    Escape The Fate If you dont like them STFU cause your dead to me. jk you guys...but really.
  11. Yellow 13


  12. Yellow 13

    Praise Jeezy!

    [CENTER]Bow your heads or I'll bow'em for you!
  13. Yellow 13

    To all you imageshack users. *10GB monthly bandwith on free accounts! *Upload images upto 1024KB (Maybe more I think) *Ability to easily make and post slideshows *+No annoying popups and direct linking images.
  14. Yellow 13

  15. Yellow 13

    Something for you Europeans

  16. Yellow 13


  17. Yellow 13

    I QUIT!

    Yep, Im done for now. Ive dumped pretty much all the money Ive made for the last 4 months into rebuilding my stock GE for my mom. Ive put countless hours into making it nice and for what? I finally get it started at 2am and BAM! OMGWTFRODKNOKZ!!1!1 Anyways Im pissed cause I spent so much...
  18. Yellow 13

    Wire help

    Ok, 2 things keeping me from starting my supra for the first time in 11 months. Its been so long I forgot where the negative battery post ground goes. Its the long black wire that goes towards the firewall from the negative battery post. Theres also a plug next to the fuse box that i cant...
  19. Yellow 13

    Non CA O2 sensor on CA car and ECU.

    Im wondering whta the difference is between the Non CA O2 sensor and the CA O2 sensor are. No one in town has the CA sensor so I decided to give the Non CA sensor a shot. can anyone chime in whether this is a bad idea or not?
  20. Yellow 13

    Can you start it?

    Is it possible to start the car with no transmission? Im on the verge of getting my 7MGE back into the car but I really dont feel like dealing with the transmission today. Edit: manual transmission BTW.