Search results

  1. Figit090

    what the hell eBay??

    Ok I was looking at a's the sub; then I want to see what kinds of stuff the seller lists on a regular basis because I'm not...
  2. Figit090

    Older MTX subwoofer box...with mids and tweeters. any good?

    I searched for info on this bud didn't find i thought i'd ask to see if anyone knows... I'm putting together an audio system in my supra...and I wanted to add a sub to it... but not for a lot of money. so i've been looking on craigslist and i put an ad up as well and one person has...
  3. Figit090


    We just found out we have a leak in our roof. this is really odd because our roof is tile, on top of normal roofing stuff on top of 3x6's. we've never had a leak, but there's a problem... we took a light fixture off that had filled with water (the glass cover filled up) and then took the...
  4. Figit090

    Ebayers: Anyone use Auction Sniper or similar?

    I was told about Auction Sniper, the last second bidding service and it's got me interested but i was wondering if it's really used. i think i've been sniped numerous times... anyone use it? something else maybe? what are your opinions? if it really helps i dont think a quarter or so...
  5. Figit090

    Has anyone here taken a shell with no engine or interior and made it a nice DD?

    There's a supra on ebay...its just a shell... and I was curious how difficult it would be to get it into great condition, a good daily driver... the paint looks good and from pics i dont see rust. besides the engine. thats done for. the shell looks perfect.... engine is a shot GE so it...
  6. Figit090

    Tales of Mere Existence...

    These are pretty cool, and I can relate in some cases and I KNOW i can relate to the Procrastination one... Procrastination - Breakups - LOTS more are available, just check out more from that user or...
  7. Figit090

    OK so I'm investigating this anyone have this symptom before?

    A friend is letting me bring my supra by his work tomorrow to listen to it from underneath to pinpoint a knocking sound...and before I go, I had a question about my knock. I'm afraid it's rod knock. However, another member thought he had RK and low and behold it was his...
  8. Figit090

    ...i'm bored. tell me your opinion on this analogy...

    Toyota is to Toyotas as Lexus is to....uh.... ?? possible options; Lexuses (doesn't exactly roll off your tongue, does it?::dunce::) Lexi (heh...uh...yeah:rolleyes:) i was reading The Straight Dope and came across it, i want to know what you would use. or if you have some other...
  9. Figit090

    will these wheels fit my supra?

    here is the ad i found in craigslist but i dont know enough to know if they will fit. i'm in need of new tires and i figured 300 might be a good deal... and i have gotti rims on my supra now and they just happen to also make rims for porshe, so i was thinking if i was lucky these will be...
  10. Figit090

    no more popcorn? WTF??

    ok there's the number you dial for the time...767-8900, or another number is popcorn (767-2676) at least in California...i dialed it randomly...and coincidentally as of tonight it's discontinued? WTF?:wtc: :eek: did i piss it off because i called so much? (i dial a random number to help my...
  11. Figit090

    OH MY GOD this is a horrible few weeks... [vent]

    I fucking need to vent...or something. I know there are many many many people worse off than me but i'm having a bad few weeks. ------EDIT------- I'm feeling a bit better now...and i've thought about things and I think I have it under control. I dont want to delete everything so i'll leave it...
  12. Figit090

    I wasnt sure where this should go...but this is one beautiful supra!

    ok up until now I wasnt sure about the older MKII supras...i liked them but didnt see myself looking for one. but every time i see a nice one i'm more and more tempted to keep an eye out for a low mileage one as beautiful as this!! I dont know about the price...seems somewhat high, but at the...
  13. Figit090

    Something is wrong with my cat, she has a sore (high res pics) please give advice.

    Something is wrong with my cat's chin... all of a sudden we noticed this sore and today there was a little blood on her white chest fur so its still rather "open" and tender...but i cant tell if it's gotten worse, it hasn't gotten better. I was hoping it was just a little scuff from a mean...
  14. Figit090

    Verison and US Cellular... anybody know of a good family plan deal??

    Our family wants to get a cell phone plan (3 people) but the prices on the two carriers Verizon and US Cellular, which are the best in our county, are rather high for us. does anybody know of some kind of one-time or ongoing promotional deal that's less than 70 dollars a month? or any type of...
  15. Figit090

    Power Steering leak - can you help me find the hose? having trouble with the number.

    ----------EDIT----------- problem repaired, just wanted to thank those who helped by giving advice and such. -----/edit---- I just found a pretty bad leak in my power steering high-pressure line, one of the lines that runs to the rack from the pump. it slowly leaks unless i strain the pump...
  16. Figit090

    can acetone help gas mileage?

    i was looking at these "hack" videos on and one test he did was to increase gas mileage. i think when he added a few ounces of acetone to 10 gallons of gas he increased his gas mileage 10 miles/gallon. i was wondering; 1 - did he just clean out his fuel system by doing this? 2...
  17. Figit090

    AWESOME mag light mod

    this is really cool...i have to try it. as soon as i find what i need.... by the way i dont accept any responsibility for the negative or harmful things caused by actions taken with this thing, i think its dangerous, and as such should, as someone else stated, be treated like a firearm...
  18. Figit090

    Can you identify this suzuki quad?

    I found this quad that's been wrecked and for those following the gokart thread i'm going to build one using a lawn tractor engine but this type of engine has also been a consideration. basically the kid bailed and sent the quad tumbling to its demise, and this is how it sits however many...
  19. Figit090

    I need lots of help picking a laptop for college...i'm SOO lost on this one!

    I'm going to get a laptop for college but i'm not sure what's good, what i need , or what to look for once i know what i need...if i was shopping for a PC i could do it myself but frankly this is a whole new ballpark. my parents want to get me what i NEED, but they said i could get what i...
  20. Figit090

    Brakes question

    I dont know a whole lot about brakes but i noticed if i push and release the pedal several times while in motion, pumping it, it gets progressively harder to slow the car, and the pedal stiffens up more and more. i didn't do it for a long time, just a few pumps, less than 6. i just wanted to...