So Nissan's warranty must cover stupidity now? The owner was told explicitly not to do something, but did it anyway, broke something and now wants Nissan to pick up the tab.
The only come back the guy has is that Nissan didn't give me any warning to how many times he could turn off VDC. In...
Launch control is not a support feature. As far as nissan is concerned, it doesn't exist. Oh, by the way, the 3.5 0 - 60 time posted was without LC. With it, times as low as 3.3sec have been recorded.
The GTR and the Atom are two COMPLETELY different cars. One is a full fledged supercar/Grand...
Any particular reason you aren't considering a car that isn't already in the country? It's not like there isn't many to choose from. You might struggle finding a 100% unmodified virgin example, but with the credit crunch well and truly hitting home, they are some bargains to be had -...
Not just any drug dealer can own a supra, it has it be a "drug dealer with a gold chain" :biglaugh:
The ones with collections of his old articles aren't too great, but the ones that he has actually written - "Motorworld" and "I know you're got soul" are bloody brilliant.
I got that quote from one of his books (either "Clarkson on Cars" or "Born to be Riled", can't remember which). He mentions Supras a few times, but nothing about the actual car, instead he focuses on the types of people who drove them - Drug Dealers and Footballers (soccer players), and judging...
To be fair, that little tip along with the one about other Toyota Keys isn't worth a damn if you had a half decent Alarm system installed, which you should have anyway as You'd have to be insane if you think that a security system designed 16 years ago at the very least is going to keep thieves...
Why on earth would you want to replac. I personally haven't come across a more comfortable seat in any car, and I'm in $200,000+ Bentleys daily...
The only excuse I can think of to warrant replacing the seats would be for weight saving for track use, and in that case you wouldn't dream of...
You're right, it is just your choice, so please stop spouting your opinion like it is a god given fact.
As for the idea of a 7M MKIV nice idea, but I personally wouldn't spend my own time, money and enegry on making something solely to piss MKIV/JZ guys off - In my opinion that makes you no...
Answer please people. I'm in a serious no man's land as what to do with my Supra and junking it and replacing it with a Miata seems like a major possibly right about now...
Get a leak down/compression test done. If you're not showing any major symptoms there is no use speculating.
Although if there are no major symptoms and you're planning on replacing the engine soon, I have to ask why bother do the HG job? Surely it will last until the beginning of next year if...
I wish him luck if he thinks he's going to get $5000 for a tatty car that he openly admits has had the tits ragged off of it (Drift = Abuse).
But if you don't believe a car can weigh 1200lbs, you need to have a look into Build them yourself Kit Cars ;).
It told that was true everywhere? There is no denying that young male drivers are the most dangerous demographic when behind the wheel.
And be thankful you're not in England - $300 per month is the cheapest I could find for a policy that lets me drive the Supra :cry:.
This the exactly what I tell my friends who complain about the new layout. Facebook is a new service. They could by all rights gave you a steaming donkey turd and you'd have to put up with it or leave, instead you have a slightly different layout and you're calling for a full boycott until they...
I hate that saying. Putting all the money in the world isn't going to help your car be fast or reliable in the same way that doing things on a tight budget is not a sure fire way to end up with a slow or Unreliable POS.
There was an American Car Cruise around my town tonight – Seeing (and...
From what I've read, the OP like 97% of MKIII owners looking to upgrade their suspension seems to be more concerned about ride height than handling, making coilovers seem the most attractive.
The way I see it, what to go for depends entirely on what you want to do with your car
If you...
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