When I want to change the zone for the climate control I can push the button but it doesnt stay on just turns off as soon as I let off the button. Sometimes I can get them to stay on if I set there and push the button a hundred times, kinda annoying when driving down the road trying to change...
well ive got an idling problem with my car.
The car idles fine when stopped but when driving and then getting on it a little bit then letting off and pushing in the clutch the car will idle down so low it dies sometimes it will catch its self and idle up.
When cruzing the car will start idling...
The button to recline the drivers side seat back is broken and now I have to use a screw driver just to be able to move the seat back to a comfortable place. How can I fix it? Its the plastic piece that goes to the switch not the piece for the pivot for the button...
Danny G
Every now and then if I leave my car setting for a few hours the Radiator light will come on, im guessing it radiator..the orange light on the left side of the cluster. It only does this when its cold and stays on till the car runs for a couple of minutes and gets warm then goes off and doesnt...
The Antenna on my 90T with a spoiler is broke off and it was that way when I got it. The motor works I just need to replace the antenna part that goes up and down. It sucks that the radio is fuzzy. Is the Antenna a special one since I have the spoiler or are they all the same? How do I replace...
Alright can a faulty radiator cap blow the HG? If so then not even 500 miles since the completely rebuilt engine and a Blown Head Gasket something seriouly wrong with this picture. BTW 1990 Toyota Supra Turbo Might be For Sale!!
I was reading the SOGI mod about how to make the A/C electric fan come on with a switch but I was wondering if I could just wire both fans together and when the engine's hot and the top fan comes on then both fans will come on and if I turn on the A/C then both fans come on?
Is this a good...
Today I decided to check the ignition timing because I never had the time to get in there and set it. I had the CPS adjusting bolt in the center cause it seemed the best place to start and ive been driving it for about 300 miles with it like that and it ran great. Well I got the idle down to...
I was thinking that since these things are so hard to read that maybe if you scuffed it up with some steel wool and then cleaned it real well if some paint prep then sprayed it with some flat black paint that it might be easier to tell where its wet then...
Think this would work?
Ive read the fog light rewire stuff and I dont like the idea of just simply pushing the wire into the fuse box...Is there a better place I can tie into that has a 12volt source down in there?
I was wondering how hard would it be to make my own Adapter for the MAF to put on a cone filter? I wanna hear that turbo spool and the adapter looks like a piece of plastic that wouldnt be hard to make. Does anyone have any pics of the adapter???? I really dont want to pay $120 bucks for a...
Well I just got my supra running the other day and you can say im still a ameture at shifting because I havent had a manual tranny car in a few years and havent drove one in a couple of years either.
I was driving down the road when this car starts revving up beside me and im just cruzin 40...
I cant get my alarm to work and I dont know if its factory. The Box is under the steering column and is a black box that has no brand on it. Has an old type glass inline fuse and the wiring for it looks factory. Well the fuse is good but when I unplug it and plug it back in it unlocks or locks...
What is the stock max boost that these things come with from the factory? 90 7MGTE
Well Im getting 5-6PSI boost :icon_bigg with the bypass valve stuck open... so what do you think it would be with a new one in place? I havent done anything to up the boost except i had the block and head...
I bought this supra very cheap from a friend that didnt know much about mechanics. He had his Headgasket replaced twice and it blew agian and he said screw it and parked it under a tree for 2 years. Thats where I found it under the tree.
Damn Today was my first day to actually use the car to drive and it just started leaking and leaking and leaking and puddles everywhere. At first I thought something i forgot to seal and the oil was coming out. Well the Power Steering started whining so I checked the fluid and there was none and...
well you guys are prolly getting sick of me by now lol well heres some more questions for ya.
The heater doesnt work, I read the SOGI article about the VSV and it is bad. Read 816 ohms. I just bypassed it like the article said.
The AC doesnt work... The compressor never clicks on that I know...
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