Hey Guys,
Are all 5spd/ auto Turbo igniters compatible with one another? I'll be picking up an igniter but I just want to make sure it wil work with mine.
Mine is an 87 Turbo auto supra
Just wanted to know what got you guys into modifying cars? How long have you been doing it for?
Here a pic of my dad and me(in the stroller) the pic was taken in 89
Its a 1986 Toyota Celica GT-S
Full kaminari kit
MOMO Rims - at that time it was around $700 per rim
Car was put in many local car...
Hi guys
I need a side view picture of an mk3 supra with the front fender removed.
close up if possible.
I may be doing something to my car:naughty:
Thanks guys!
I was just driving my car yesterday and everything ran fine.
I checked for codes and got nothing.
It Cranks but won't turn over. I got spark and fuel.
I've running out of options....this car is being a problem after problem
Help me out guys!:cry:
Can someone change the color of this supra to silver? I just want to see how the silver looks with black tailight covers.
Can you also do one where the tailight cover is the same color as the car.
First is a list of my mods.
Cometic HG
APR Studs
K&N Cone Intake
2.5"stainlees steel downpipe to 2.5"exhaust
Just installed
Ported and polished exhaust manifold and turbo elbow
Upgraded 60-1 Ct-26.
Will my car run ok? What other mods should I be looking into. I know...
Well it finally happend I got a ::bhg:: . I'll post pics of the build up later. For now here are pics of some new items that will be used.
Thanks Dan (Catback) For the great deal!:icon_bigg
60-1 trim CT-26:evil2:
Ported And Polished Turbo Elbow and Exhaust Manifold:evil2...
I got an 87 Turbo auto, now I'm debating on whether to swap or rebuild. How does a 1jz run , realiability? fun? how much wrhp is the stock 1z?
What parts would I need for the swap?
1.89+ Engine mounts
2. 1jz-gte engine
Please help me out guys!:icon_bigg
If your interested in the pre 89 lip check send a deposit to shine auto....
We need 9 more people for this to go through!
Are these any good?
can some one photoshop my car for a sig? I'm open to options...
like change the background so it would have a Manila(philippines) Night/day background
Anybody here running H.I.D Headlights? How are they? Got any pics?
I can get a McCulloch HID kit for $325 canadian shipped next day form montreal. Is this a good price? I know if more people buy the price will be cheaper.
Anyone interested?
This winter I plan on rebuilding my 87's engine.
My goal is 300-450whp. What are all the parts you guys recommend?
I know I dont need some of these parts, but I'm gonna get them anyways to make sure I have a solid engine.
My list so far of the items I will purchase:
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