Search results

  1. RTA Supra

    **Looking To Hire A Tech**

    yes, lol
  2. RTA Supra

    Official Tampa Supra Meet

    Us either ;)
  3. RTA Supra

    **Looking To Hire A Tech**

    Call Fernando on Monday. 813-631-9500
  4. RTA Supra

    Oct 19 TNT

    Some of the guys want to do a little testing before the big meet next month so we're planning on heading down to Bradenton for their Test and Tune session on October 19th from 6-11pm. $10 dollars entree, and $10 dollar tech card. Anyone want to join? As of right now, there's three of us...
  5. RTA Supra

    **Looking To Hire A Tech**

    I've already got that covered ;)
  6. RTA Supra

    **Looking To Hire A Tech**

    Denny............................ Ya FIRED!
  7. RTA Supra

    **Looking To Hire A Tech**

    F & H Performance is currently looking for a dependable, skilled technician to work Monday through Saturday 8:30am to 5:30pm. Looking for an ASE Certified mechanic with a broad knowledge of ALL makes of vehicles, not just Supras. A lot of the work that comes in is maintenence, but the shop is...
  8. RTA Supra

    Official Tampa Supra Meet

    I'd hit it
  9. RTA Supra

    Official Tampa Supra Meet

    Thanks for the pic Jake! as for the grey car.......... I wouldn't worry about that little guy ;) There's plenty more that you'll get to play with coming out of the shop
  10. RTA Supra

    Official Tampa Supra Meet

  11. RTA Supra

    Official Tampa Supra Meet

    not the reply I wanted to hear from ya Jake but we'd love to have you guys here!
  12. RTA Supra

    Official Tampa Supra Meet

    ok cool, I'll be in the works for a little get together/food/cruise/photoshoot. Sound good?
  13. RTA Supra

    Official Tampa Supra Meet

    Anyone up for a pre meet party on Friday the 17th?
  14. RTA Supra


    Kelly's 1J crank pulley commited suicide at TX2K6 :)
  15. RTA Supra


    someone that didn't realize it??
  16. RTA Supra

    Just Dyno'd

  17. RTA Supra

    Just Dyno'd

    You guys should move to Tampa :)