At the end of the day, the 'godfathers' of Japanese Tuning need to take a long hard look at the way they do business. The exuberant prices they charge might have been acceptable 10 - 15 years ago when they were the only dogs in the pound. Now they're got to compete with knock offs, which are a...
You like the rear?! Never been much of a fan myself, it just looks wrong compared to a set of 89+ JDM or USDM tails. Not too sure what I'm going to do back there. How do you think a whaletail + Euro rear would look? It would certainly be different.
The quote is from one of his books 'Born to...
I’m going to take an unpopular stand point here, but I had to say that the ‘knock off’ issue everyone is loosing their rag about must have had a tiny impact on this particular situation. Buying a $400 ‘knock off’ turbo from Ebay doesn’t put a company $60,000,000 in debt. Poor money management...
With the prospect of my first ever pay check and the chance of actually getting a project rolling, I guess it’s about time to get myself a project thread.
I sold my 88 N/A Auto early this year and have regretted the decision ever since. I sold it in order to fund a GA70, but the seller...
I wouldn't bother at all with a "JDM" Motor. At the end of the day, they're just as likely to have been ragged and bagged as a US motor and I guarantee you that the mileage claims aren't worth the paper they're written on.
Granted you could end up with a great motor, but you're just as likely...
Cold Blooded :biglaugh:.
Most of the opinions floating around here are damn near worthless. All you seem to get from these threads is Fanboy flaming by those who either had a poorly treated 7M blow up in their face prompting them to go xJZ or those who have built their 7Ms properly and see no...
Thanks for that guys, not really what I wanted to hear, but it's the confirmation that I needed.
I guess I better get pricing up a replacement engine/rebuild :(
Right, about a week ago I bought a car that was advertised as having overheating problems – The thermostat had apparently failed and when it was allegedly replaced, the car would over heat even the radiator was filled to the brim with coolant. I went to look at the car, saw masses of mayo on the...
You (along with everyone else who has chipped in on the subject of engine swaps :icon_razz) have missed the point of the Miata. The last thing it was built for was to go fast in a straight line. It's a car built for corners. Not the Quarter mile.
Don't listen to these lot and ruin a Miata with a boat anchor of an engine. Bolt on a cheap as chips turbo kit, sort the already fantastic suspension and go find some twisties.
Almost ended up going down the Miata route myself, but missed out and got stuck with another Supra. The second I can...
I have the feeling that you're thinking that BPU is some sort of special stand alone modification - It's not. It's a mixture of 'simple' breathing mods (usually de-cat, full exhaust system, air filter and raised boost).
Can be used on any motor will varying degrees of success, so engines like...
Nice video - Any tips as to how I can get my buddies to buy supras? :sarcasm:.
I (like most) would have preferred the video with the volume down a notch or better yet, with that awful song not there at at all, but the action made up for it.
Thanks for the info guys, but It turns out I learnt this lesson first hand when I bought an N/A that has already BHG'd :(. Not ideal, but it was cheap, local, manual and there is more metal in the rear arches than rust, which is quite amazing for a UK car.
Build thread (which will almost...
Then he's a compete wanker for writing out the ticket to a fellow Supra owner.
The bullshit you guys have to go through over there almost makes making $12 a gallon we pay seem worth it.
I require a ride in the GTR as soon as you get back to London ;).
Nice buy, it sounded like you had your heart set on the GTR from the original post. Is it already in the country? And what's the state of play with insurance?
Not sure if the title makes enough sense, so I'll explain a bit
I went to have a look at a Supra that was registered on 11th of January 1991, making it a 1991 car, but I doesn't seem to have any of those 1991 - 1992 goodies that I've heard so much about - It was sitting on blades, the speaker...
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