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  1. staehlin180

    Went camping this weekend...

    2 words when it comes to sleeping bags : North Face. Hands down some of the best equipment you can get your hands on, and a good warranty too. I use a north face cat's meow bag 99% of the time when I camp. Its a poly, "3-season" bag. It's not rated to zero but I've slept outside in the high...
  2. staehlin180

    Starter Brand?

    never heard anything good about the duralast starters, most of my friends that installed them were lucky enough to have them take a shit right before the 1 year warranty was up. I put a napa gold one in mine, had to replace it after about 18 months, but the new ones been good for 3+ years
  3. staehlin180

    Painting the CT26 Heat shield?

    I just used a flat gunmetal high heat engine enamel from vato zone. Painted the turbo and exhaust manifold head shields. 4 years and it still looks good. Just make sure you get all the rust off and prep the surface well. Wear rubber gloves so skin oils don't get on the surface and use brake...
  4. staehlin180

    Girlfriend hit by oncoming car crossing median, insurance isn't paying

    You're best bet is to deal with your insurance company, and yours alone. In California, You're only obligated to speak with your claims adjuster. Geico is a pretty good insurance company from what I've heard and should go to bat for you, especially if you're not at fault. As far as compensation...
  5. staehlin180

    nope sorry man, ive got a black 91 turbo w/ sunroof

    nope sorry man, ive got a black 91 turbo w/ sunroof
  6. staehlin180

    Oh god! I'll never drink again if I live through today thread + Magical cures!

    2 sure ways to avoid being hungover 1. Don't start drinking or 2. Don't stop drinking That being said, I usually prefer hydration and Excedrin followed by a big greasy breakfast, preferably chicken fried steak and eggs.
  7. staehlin180

    What was the very first car you ever owned?

    I had a 1991 Subaru Loyale station wagon, It was my mom's old car and it was free. It had 4 wheel drive, and was oxidized red. I wrecked that fucker a couple times, hack sawed a front end off of one at pick-n-pull and welded it onto mine, I was pretty much on a first name basis with the guys at...
  8. staehlin180

    The (old) Official Gun Thread.

    What makes it a PITA to clean? I don't have any problem field stripping it, just outta curiosity
  9. staehlin180

    The (old) Official Gun Thread.

    So, I've been meaning to do this for the last couple weeks, but I've been pretty slammed with classes and stuff, but I figured why not have a little old fashioned show and tell My AR: And a few weeks ago, I bought my first handgun, a Smith & Wesson 4506, i know, its kind of a boat...
  10. staehlin180

    SupraMania: What Do Yo Do? Who Are You In Life?

    I have my AA in drafting and design, Working on my BS in Engineering Construction Management. Probably the best time to be in school since construction is kinda dead right now. Unfortunately I lack a steady job but manage to keep myself busy between classes by doing freelance...
  11. staehlin180

    Yea man, still have it, just got done with the paint and stuff not too long ago. I threw in a...

    Yea man, still have it, just got done with the paint and stuff not too long ago. I threw in a Koyo radiator, and im getting ready to redo the front suspension, control arms, ball joints, poly bushings etc. how have you been man? Its been a while
  12. staehlin180

    best thing youve overheard about your supra

    Guy at drive thru window: Nice supra man, is it a twin turbo? Me: No, single Guy at drive thru: Oh, cool, you converted it? that's sick Me: Uh, yea man cool -drives off
  13. staehlin180

    The (old) Official Gun Thread.

    I sometimes get tired of the "stopping power" argument. Granted a .380 or a 9mm wont pack as much of a punch as a .40 or .45, they can still be effectively used (with maybe the exception of shooting a tweaker, or someone of that nature), especially with good marksmanship and the right ammo (i.e...
  14. staehlin180

    Movies every gearhead needs to watch

    Dust to glory is a good one, I was lucky enough to get to co-drive with a small team during the Baja 500 back in 2006, a real once in a lifetime experience. Another gearhead film I like is On Any Sunday. Watch it, and if you don't have a dirt bike, just try not to buy one after you see it
  15. staehlin180

    The (old) Official Gun Thread.

    Mine was in great shape, but it was all slathered in cosmoline. I just broke it down, threw it in the dishwasher when the parents were outta town, oiled it and refinished the stock. The whole reason I bought mine was because when I bought it in 2004, a 20 round box of Wolf 7.62X39 was only $1.99...
  16. staehlin180

    The (old) Official Gun Thread.

    The Yugo SKSs are some of the better ones out there, they don't have the chrome lined bore like others, but the receiver is a lot thicker & heavier, its an all around beefier rifle when compared to the Russian, Romanian or Chinese versions. I've had my Yugo since '04 and its really rugged, plus...
  17. staehlin180


    Even if Toyota is able to recycle the batteries 100%, the embodied energy of the batteries is insanely high. I remember a Top Gear episode where they were explaining how the metals are mined in Canada, transported to India, refined, transported to China, where they were processed further, then...
  18. staehlin180

    Gardening Question

    ^^^What Lewis said, don't rip or tear the vine off of the tree too forcefully, you might be able to cut it into pieces and remove it if you're handy with a chainsaw, but typically that kind of thing is much more easily accomplished after the part attached to the tree has died and dried out a...
  19. staehlin180

    Gardening Question

    you did right by severing the ties to the main plant, now you just wait, it'll eventually die off. You can try and remove the main base of the vine where the roots are. I run a small landscaping business out here in CA, and I spent days removing english ivy from some oak trees. Your best bet is...