Sportmax 962's in 18" 8.5 front 9.5 rear.
I'm working on it! Thanks!
I'm very happy with the outcome.
Thank's Nate! As far as slamming it... I like it the way it is... I allready scrape to much! When am I going to get to see your car? I live in Seattle now...
Oh trust me I know! I'm quite embarrised that I have it zip tied. Problem is one of my supports is all busted up and a bolt is striped so I can get it out and I'm in the process of moving so it's a work in the making for now :3d_frown: Toyota also hasn't sent me the bracket yet :3d_frown...
And more...
: Funny story my camera only takes 3 pictures at a time so I had to take my laptop with me and download them on the computer everytime I had three. Took a damn long time!
Well late afternoon Blake and I finished my shocks and springs... And here are the results. I am moving on Monday back to Seattle so I am trying to get as much pictures of Spokane as possible...Don't get sick of me:cry:
On to the pictures....
Hahaha well I would say 500? Maybe? I have new spring's and shocks I've just been really busy with school, and such.
Ill try and get them on this week...
More pictures in about five min!!!!!
Took a few pictures down by my house, I'm going to keep updating this thread with more pictures of the area... Stay tuned!
BIC Thunder 3.5 is now on :naughty:
~Stay tuned!
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