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  1. rs4rush

    Rs4Rush Build Thread Part 2!

    Update. I'm going crazy in my garage with my big ass polish wheel ;) Polished turbo heat shield FTW! ~Cory
  2. rs4rush

    Rs4Rush Build Thread Part 2!

    I'm going to give it away now.... I'm super close to finishing the swap. I'm just waiting on some parts from DriftMotion. Catch can pre mount. Stay tuned~:icon_razz Here is what I have for it as of now: Greddy boost controller Greddy catch can Greddy timing belt Act 6 pluck clutch...
  3. rs4rush

    TbcMorris' post fire CT build

    Your car looks great! I will one day buy another midnight blue Supra:love:! Glad to see you got your car back ;)
  4. rs4rush

    Rs4Rush Build Thread Part 2!

    Like I said in an earlier part of my thread I'm ditching the 7M. Stay tuned for more info its going to be bad ass! I cleaned my bay and almost done touching up paint it looks far better than the pictures show! ~Cory. Ps: I got my new motor ;)
  5. rs4rush

    Pics. request of your NON OEM rear spoiler, GF is wondering what they look like. Thx

    I bought that red Gracer wing ;) Yeah and 92nsx out bid me on that Hiro! :3d_frown: Man am I going to get flamed when I put it on my car...:biglaugh:
  6. rs4rush


    Its cheaper than lets say AEM, Motec, and other standalone's. I have seen first hand experience and the guy that ran it said he loved it. It will get expensive if you don't know how to do your own work. Remember you have to build the harness and do base maps which is all all very time...
  7. rs4rush

    Raced a Yamaha R6 and beat me

    Yeah I guess it could be many things... How much the rider weighs, along with how much room you have to open up that turbo. But if your putting down 500's then I would say its about right.
  8. rs4rush

    Local Help

    Depends on what time you are doing everything??? The motor is getting dropped off today and I'm unsure as to when it's getting here... But I will find out here shortly. Yeah I will probably need some help here come pretty soon. I will PM you with my number gimme a call. ~Cory Edit: I seen you...
  9. rs4rush

    Raced a Yamaha R6 and beat me

    It would have been stock and an early model R6. I own a 07 r6 and things are not matching up... How much power do you think your planting to the ground? I could be wrong...
  10. rs4rush

    water or gas you decide

    Bass Hunter FTW... Kid on crack FTL.
  11. rs4rush

    Random YouTube Videos.... (Some very NWS)

    Yeah that was some freaky shit...
  12. rs4rush

    Is my job ripping me off?

    When I was 16 I worked at Acura and smashed up a brand new RL and they didn't make me pay anything and didn't fire me :naughty: When I worked at Toyota and watched my brother back into a car and both were brand new... He didn't get fired and didn't have to pay anything... Sucks that sounds a...
  13. rs4rush

    Japanese drifting.

    There is a supra 45 seconds into it :naughty: Then also at 1:55 sec.
  14. rs4rush

    Local Help

    Were you selling rims on Craigslist awhile back ago? I get my motor Sat! Do the timing belt out of the car! Why would you want to do it inside the car?
  15. rs4rush

    got me a new car

    Yeah BMW's are nice! New M3 FTW :love:
  16. rs4rush

    Mk2 on the News

    My thoughts exactly! I have never had any trouble with cops I've been pulled over quite a few times and have only got one ticket which was not my fault. Just respect the fact that they deal with ass holes everyday! What do you think, everyone they pull over is nice? Hell no! They get people that...
  17. rs4rush

    Rakkasans build, part III (project torque)

    White FTW! Suspension next? Doesn't it feel great when your hood pops up by itself!
  18. rs4rush

    just some pics

    If you took the stickers off and re did some of the wiring in your bay it would be a nice car ;) But I usually don't like those rims but on Supra's but your car can pull it off just fine!
  19. rs4rush

    GB interest- LED bulbs

    I would be down for a complete set for my taillights!
  20. rs4rush

    What would you do?

    Put a 1j in it.