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  1. 87mk111

    Song you are listening to right now!

    The powerless Rise by As I lay Dying
  2. 87mk111

    Road race car winter changes (56k no way)

    Nice looking car. How often you at Mid Ohio? My freind CHris is there a lot. He works in the pit for Kryder Racing.
  3. 87mk111

    Cyberdx16's 500hp holset build

    DAMN!!!! that turbos huge! Can't wait to see this beast finished!
  4. 87mk111

    Eamon's build thread

    Looks good. I messed up my fender and still havent got aroung to puting the new one on yet. How dou you unbolt the bolt that holds the nose piece to the fender? I couldnt seem to get to it.
  5. 87mk111

    Song you are listening to right now!

    The Unforgiven- Metallica :2ar15:
  6. 87mk111

    Honda people wonder were they get their bad name lol.

    i used to be into Hondas as well. Had a nice 96 gs-r with some bolt ons. It handled great, but ater it got stolen, i was like screw it, im getting smoething a little less popular. The downside tho is that i get like 18mpg instead of 27 and i still get revved on at least once everytime i go...
  7. 87mk111

    How stupid are some people?

    make since to me why that wouldnt work. Using more that one condom doesnt work either, same principle i guess. But people are retarded. Thats why i got out of the Honda scene. Too many people that were more concerned about "Vtaks" and "Hella FLush" rims than a good engne. Dont get me wrong, I...
  8. 87mk111

    Crazy hondaru

    i dunno wat to think...
  9. 87mk111

    OHIO thread

    I was there once with some guy that had an old school z31. Some old guy called our cars jap traps and said they didnt belong there, I would like to get some us to go down there sometime tho.
  10. 87mk111

    OHIO thread

    For those of you in the Akron/Canton area, The Marc's Plaza on Cleveland Ave. in Nort Canton has a cruise in every Sundayafternoon around 2pm or so.
  11. 87mk111

    Teamslow's 7m SuperStreet Build

    Nice car/build. :love:
  12. 87mk111

    Driftmotion t4

    ok thanks, that answers my questions, guess i got a little more research to do lol.
  13. 87mk111

    Compound 7M, first and only?

    Nice to see this coming along. Cant wait for more!!
  14. 87mk111

    Driftmotion intercooler kit?

    Ok, it was just a thought, I know some Nissan guys mount theirs upside to mak eem fit better, so was just basicaly throwing it out there. i was looking intot his kit once i get my gte engine, maybe Ill just shelll out teh cash for the HK$ kit.
  15. 87mk111

    Driftmotion intercooler kit?

    What if you mount it upsode down? Or am I just a we todd?
  16. 87mk111

    Driftmotion t4

    Ive considered teh 61 qnd 67mm kits as well, but I think the 57 will have the least amount of lag. I'm shooting for around 400hp at teh tires, so I think the 57 will nmore than suffice. As for the kit, I would rather have teh kit than peoce together a bunch of parts myself, this way I know all...
  17. 87mk111

    1uz powered dodge

    This the coolest dodge. Ever. Thumbs up on being orginal. :bigthumb:
  18. 87mk111

    Gurley0916 and Crypton2006 photoshoot

    I like this, its kinda like old vs new with the pre 89 and 7m in one car and the jz and post 89 on th eother car. :naughty:
  19. 87mk111

    89 1jz swap

    Any ideas on what your gonna do for the widebody? Are you gonna make your own? Forgot to mention, the engine looks great.
  20. 87mk111

    Your current Forza 3 project car :)

    It pisses me off that EA took the SUpras out of Need for Speed. They stil have the Sylines, Silvia's, 240's and plenty of gay cars like the Focus and Escorct, but no Poopra. I cant wait for Gran Turismo 5 tho. I still play 4 all the time and have 2 mk3's, a Ma70 and a jza70. I'll post picks of...