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  1. jdmfreak

    Guv'na's Tavern

    Bird's story time has its own thread now
  2. jdmfreak

    Guv'na's Tavern

    No such luck, just smile and nod
  3. jdmfreak

    What did you do to your supra today? Pics

    Well...... What is the upper bumper nose piece called? I need to find one
  4. jdmfreak

    Oil Pump Priming after already Installed?

    I've had 1 oil pressure sensor go bad and also had the wire break
  5. jdmfreak


    For the heater it's the 2 rubber hoses coming from back of head to the firewall
  6. jdmfreak

    heater/air not working..why??

    A easy way to see if it's working is to unplug the vac line going from the manifold to the switch and put it directly to the actuator, if it moves and opens the valve letting coolant into the heater core, then see if your heater works
  7. jdmfreak

    heater/air not working..why??

    Check the vacuum switch for the heater core coolant flow valve under the hood near the wiper motor to make sure it's hooked up and working
  8. jdmfreak


    Ac lines are not the same as the coolant lines for your heater if you get rid of ac you will have your heater and won't have to block anything on block, if you also delete your heater you will
  9. jdmfreak

    WWBe. t. G

    Anytime :-) it's pretty common knowledge tho, so I understand if it doesn't get stickied
  10. jdmfreak

    WWBe. t. G

    Hi Craig
  11. jdmfreak

    WWBe. t. G

    I guess it heard my swearing at work and thought I needed help from you guys lol
  12. jdmfreak

    WWBe. t. G

    Damn phone,!! I swear!! Sorry, joke is on me, I don't even know how it managed to post from my pocket, even created it's own thread, smh, phone will from now on stay on my tool cart not in my pocket
  13. jdmfreak

    WWBe. t. G

    ,n . I i
  14. jdmfreak

    Bird's Story time

    I have been afs
  15. jdmfreak

    Bird's Story time

  16. jdmfreak

    Gauge Cluster compatibility

    Here you go bro, I had to repin mine Everything works now
  17. jdmfreak

    Guv'na's Tavern

    I'm busy Saturday, Sunday I'll be doing some body work on someone's car at my house, we could do it then