Search results

  1. flight doc89

    Cell Phone Picture of the Day:

    If the OP or a mod will add a "nsfw" tag to the title, I can post some stuff i've taken recently :)
  2. flight doc89

    Need a reliable, cheap dd (AKA I hate VW)

    There was a recommendation for a subaru forester. How are those mechanically? Pretty reliable? I've never had an AWD vehicle, never worked on a boxer motor, so i'm kinda leery about it. If I got one, it would be an early 2000's model. Do they age fairly well?
  3. flight doc89

    Need a reliable, cheap dd (AKA I hate VW)

    Thanks for the input :) gonna get the bug running so that I can get it sold, then the hunt begins. If anything else comes to mind, I'm still open to suggestions :) My wife asked about one of those ugly prius hybrids. Anybody here had any experience with them?
  4. flight doc89

    Need a reliable, cheap dd (AKA I hate VW)

    So, I had some friends that drove VWs, loved them, loved the gas mileage, seemed pretty good. So, I bought my wife a 2003 Beetle TDI with 75k miles. In the 13k miles and less than one year that I have owned it, I have had to replace the cylinder head (because the timing belt went out at 82k...
  5. flight doc89

    Gentlemans club

    nice, thanks :D Make that 1,472
  6. flight doc89

    Gentlemans club

    I dont think that will be sufficient in my case; I stopped even looking anywhere On-topic a couple years ago when my car broke down and I didn't have money to work on it. My browser bookmark goes straight to off-topic :)
  7. flight doc89

    Gentlemans club

    Is there a way to see how many times you have posted, including off topic?
  8. flight doc89

    I've seen some dumb shit before...

    if any of that shit worked, it would be OEM
  9. flight doc89

    Motorcycles - First time buyer/rider

    I second this quote. People will look straight at you and not see you. The last time I drove my bike, I was driving it home from the shop that was 2 hours from my house. On this single trip, I had 3 near/misses. First, a car pulled out right in front of me in Montgomery, and I laid on both...
  10. flight doc89

    What kind of car would make you feel worst if you lost to it in a race?

    1990s chevy 4x4. (i didn't find out till afterward that he had a built 350 in it)
  11. flight doc89

    Need help finding a type of work pants

    thats the basic idea, kinda like pants with chaps built in. the protection of chaps without chaps getting in the way. I'll still wear my shoeing chaps when i'm trimming horses, but i can always use an extra barrier (hoof nails are sharper than they look). EDIT: 2 pair on the way, lets see if i...
  12. flight doc89

    Need help finding a type of work pants

    Thanks! I searched briar jeans after seeing the ones on duluthtrading and found these Thats what I was looking for
  13. flight doc89

    Need help finding a type of work pants

    I saw somebody wearing a pair of these work pants, but I cant find them anywhere. The legs are a tough heavy canvas, but the seat and part of the thigh are denim. I have googled every combination i can think of and can't find them. My work pants are getting worn, and these things looked too...
  14. flight doc89

    Any doctors around?

    The only reason I have health insurance is because I am married, and I work in a hospital. The hospital subsidizes around 60-65% of our health insurance, so for me it is worth it. If it wasn't for that benefit, I would just put more of my check into savings for just in case. Oh, and those...
  15. flight doc89

    Paypal Sucks!!!

    Huge "NAY" on more government regulation. If you are dissatisfied, contact them. If you are still dissatisfied, don't use them.
  16. flight doc89

    Any doctors around?

    They are used for arthritis, but they are simply more powerful NSAIDs, like ibuprofen, aspirin, etc. Arthrotec is nice in that it won't upset your stomach (unless you are pregnant). Can't really give you odds, but unless it was a bad tear, it should heal up fine. Just don't use it for any real...
  17. flight doc89

    Any doctors around?

    Immobilizing while at work is ok, but you should perform range of motion on it daily (just gentle motion, no actual work). Take either the aspirin (325mg, 1 pill) 3x daily, or take ibuprofen/advil 3x-4x daily (200mg per pill, 2 pills with each dose)(don't exceed 2400mg in one day.), or you can...
  18. flight doc89

    Life change

    Only if you wanna play Nurse :icon_bigg
  19. flight doc89

    Life change

    Once a murse, always a murse. If all goes well, in a few years that'll be Doctor Murse to you.
  20. flight doc89

    Life change

    Nursing Sucks. Pre-med here I come. If I can get the right class schedule (and balance the work schedule well enough to pay for it), I'll be ready for MCATs in a year. Wish me luck people. Because I can't stand being an RN. Other people may love it and worship the profession, but I just can't do...