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  1. GrimJack

    Huge meet, August 16th - Revscene 2009

    Well, it starts at 11, but I seriously doubt we need to be there on time, so how about 10 at my place?
  2. GrimJack

    If there was one food you cant eat just one of...

    M&Ms. Dunno why, but it's not possible to eat just one.
  3. GrimJack

    Huge meet, August 16th - Revscene 2009

    Whenever. We should pick a time that we want to go, then meet before then. Depends on how many people are coming, and how many of those want to wait for their turn at the shop vac / hose / soapy water being wielded by the cheerleading squad in wet t-shirts.... Wait... I think some of that was...
  4. GrimJack

    Huge meet, August 16th - Revscene 2009

    Everyone can meet beforehand at my place for final detailing, washes, etc. Then we can drive over in a group and get parking next to each other, instead of all over the place. I'm only 5 minutes from the event. 9451 Kingswood Drive, Richmond, BC Call if you get lost: 778.838.1448
  5. GrimJack

    How many mm to shim wastegate?

    First, the factory boost gauge is about as accurate as a government sponsored census. Just throw a couple extras in there, bolt it back together, and give it a go. You're probably going to have to mess with it a few times before you get it where you want it.
  6. GrimJack

    need vector file for SM logo

    They are all available from my server: Mk2 font: Mk3 font: Can't seem to find a copy of the SM vector artwork from the office, I'll have to wait until I get home I guess.
  7. GrimJack

    How many mm to shim wastegate?

    You're just going to have to put in a washer and try it. Depending on how weak your wastegate has gotten over the years, you may need anything from a very small washer to a rather large bunch of them.
  8. GrimJack

    need vector file for SM logo

    Which vector file? I've got the one in the Lumiblue theme that I've made stickers from before, you're welcome to it. I've also created the Supra fonts for both mk2 & mk3 models, you could make something with that. If you're looking for the ones from the Dark or Light theme, that's originally...
  9. GrimJack

    1/4 Mile HP Calculator...Accurate?

    As long as your weight is accurate and you're using the MPH calculator, it's pretty accurate. Well, as accurate as a dyno, anyway, given that different brands of dynos will rate you with wildly different power levels.
  10. GrimJack

    Chucks supra is up for sale good price or pass the pipe?

    Will Neely's 730rwhp car went for less than that. Furthermore, I can think of at least two cars that were considerably nicer than that with asking prices around that range, that were eventually parted out due to lack of interest. (Grant's award winning white monster fitted with a TH350...
  11. GrimJack

    The MK3 Investment....more expensive than children???

    Was your trim chrome underneath the plastic coating? How did you get paint to stick to it?
  12. GrimJack

    Huge meet, August 16th - Revscene 2009

    Yup, Vernon. Days are beautiful, nights we can watch the glow of the forest fires across the lake. ;)
  13. GrimJack

    Upgrading A/C hoses to barrier hose for R134a?

    I was reading a previous post from JJ where he explained that hoses built for R12 will leak R134a, even though the leaks are small and slow, I like to have everything work on my car at least as well as it did off the showroom floor. ;)
  14. GrimJack


    Yamaha has had a hand in virtually all the performance Toyota engines. They certainly helped with the 7M. Just like Lotus has had a few fingers in the Supra's suspension, too.
  15. GrimJack

    The MK3 Investment....more expensive than children???

    I'm well above 25k into the car. I also have children, and the car isn't even the same order of magnitude. My kids are 6 and 3, and to date I've already paid 40k just in daycare. I suspect I've spent more money on DIAPERS than I have on the car.
  16. GrimJack

    Upgrading A/C hoses to barrier hose for R134a?

    NICE! Thanks for the link, that looks fantastic.
  17. GrimJack

    Upgrading A/C hoses to barrier hose for R134a?

    No, the hoses won't make it run colder, they will just make it run longer. With that said, mine has run cold for a decade after the conversion, so the old style hoses obviously don't leak very much or very fast.
  18. GrimJack

    Huge meet, August 16th - Revscene 2009

    That's what I'm doing right now! It's awesome up here. Above 30 every day and down to mid teens at night. And my wireless works on the beach! :D
  19. GrimJack


    I'll expand a bit on this. Toyota built the M series engine many, many years before the Supra, and back then it was a smaller bore and a smaller stroke, making it smaller displacement. Over the years they increased both to make for a larger displacement engine. Eventually, they started to run...
  20. GrimJack

    Crank Pulley Key butchered - common problem?

    Yes, this is a reasonably common occurrence. Can be fixed with a weld and recut, but it's a PITA to do. Never seen anyone get away with doing it in the car, so you're looking at pulling the engine. Alternatives are a new crank or getting the one that you have recut 180 degrees out.