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  1. s383mmber1

    The ignore function

    What happens when i use the "ignore" function? Is there name and what they say jsut "blocked out"?
  2. s383mmber1

    Well I am an idiot

    Get used to it! WHen people use deratgatory terms i tend to get very heated!
  3. s383mmber1

    Well I am an idiot

    If its so much of a FACT then WHY did you put "JK lol" at the end? Fact usually arn't "jsut kidding lots of laughs".
  4. s383mmber1

    I got killed. Ut-oh.........

    SO im comming home from best buy on RT-6. And i was kinnda messing around with some people on the highway but noone was getting serious. So i see come over a hill two BRIGHT BLUE APC fog light. Im like sweet. So i pull up to the light and its a real italian kid with a blow out and his...
  5. s383mmber1

    Whats wrong with my clutch?

    What are your mods? If its not ecessive amounts of power you could go with a stock-ish clutch to save money. A performance on is much better though. (im sure ya know this stuff) ;)
  6. s383mmber1

    Well I am an idiot

    Racism isn't funny at all. I used a slim jim on my old Rx7 but if your not too good at it, it can easily scrath up your window area on your car!
  7. s383mmber1

    Wide Body pic

    Know your roots guys.^^^ :biglaugh:
  8. s383mmber1

    Drifting isn't the ballet of driving..... this is!

    You take your supra to the grocery store?
  9. s383mmber1

    Williams Winter, Spring and into Summer NA-t Build :)

    Im sure ill be needing all type of bits and ends! But i will DEFINATLY be contacting you after thanksgiving for one of those exhaust systems!
  10. s383mmber1

    the idiots who built my engine hoist

    Maybe thats why it was 51 dollars off :dunno:
  11. s383mmber1

    Halloween costumes

    Im debating between a washing machine (sp) or a garbage can. I was a cheer leader last cheer, got plaenty o chicks! They dig the whole *not so lesbian* "girls" lol
  12. s383mmber1

    Williams Winter, Spring and into Summer NA-t Build :)

    Your the man. I can't wait! Im slowly getting everythign ready! And i jsut hooked up a nice sounding sytem down there so be ready to dance! :rofl:
  13. s383mmber1

    My First Video evar!

    I had to turn it off half way through. That music made my ears bleed.
  14. s383mmber1

    Question (as usual) :]

    Yup 100 percent right there. But when i put it into the real world. I was more than happy with my NA's performance. I actually thought it was kindda fast. I think ill be plesently surprised with fuggin 6PSI. ;)
  15. s383mmber1

    AWESOME supra

    Just the fact that it makes LOUD sounds and makes car alarms go off!;) It seems like your kinnda like a hater as you are always inferring stuff in people threads. If ya dont like it GTFO.
  16. s383mmber1

    Need FAST help, where to buy some parts

    Rushing projects lke this ALWAYs leads to problems.
  17. s383mmber1

    Question (as usual) :]

    huh idk were i got the idea of maf-t pro being a wideband :dunno: Thanks guys for the imput so far! Which widebands would you suggest?
  18. s383mmber1

    Question (as usual) :]

    JAV- Remeber im NA-T so my voltemeter won't read much boost ;) I thought that with maf-t pro it had a wideband built in. :dunno: and yes it will be S/D and boost control
  19. s383mmber1

    AWESOME supra

    I keep trying to upload this fuggin things and it DOESN'T WORK! Im not done trying......Ive just began.
  20. s383mmber1

    AWESOME supra

    Jake im on it! Ill try to copy it some how and place it somewere or something. lol