Search results

  1. Loki

    New local video.

    Nice video, could have used more Supra footage but other than that it was cool.
  2. Loki

    Does anybody actually....

    I listen to my music all the time, I love the sound of my turbo and wastegate but sometimes I'd rather just listen to music.
  3. Loki

    Software upgrade complete!

    I can't wait till the Red one is up, from what I've seen it's going to look awesome.
  4. Loki

    Chat room

    The chat room link is gone from the top of the page :(
  5. Loki

    Who's drunk right now!?

    That is really sad Craig, I usually still type fine when I'm drunk. Saturday night was a differen't story, wow. I haven't been that drunk in a looooong time :aigo:
  6. Loki

    Johnny D and his adventures with SUV's

    Very nice kill Johnny, I liked the the story of the kill.
  7. Loki

    Project Mu BBK

    Kurt knows I'm joking, but he is a ricer. I want blue calipers too, they would look cool on my car :)
  8. Loki

    Project Mu BBK

  9. Loki

    GrimJack's rebuild

    Looking good Dave, the front of your car looks like it's sitting high in the last 2 pics.
  10. Loki

    Chat room

    Tony! made a thread with all the AIM names and who they are on both SF and SM, I think it's the chat room sticky. Edit: here it is. SM & SF: GrimJack-----AIM: GrimJackMTBRide & GrimJack1968 SM & SF: suprra_girl-----AIM: suprra girl SM & SF: mattsmall-----AIM: OverClockingAmd SM & SF...
  11. Loki

    Chat room

    That's cause I had a party to go back too, damn I was drunk :aigo:
  12. Loki

    Who's drunk right now!?

    I am so drunk right now...wopopooooooo.....
  13. Loki

    OK....Someone fix the stupid Banner...

    Ck isn't cool enough to be in on it ;)
  14. Loki

    Chat room

    I like mine, and I just changed it.
  15. Loki

    Chat room

    You suck Craig. There were quite a few people I last night, it was a good time.
  16. Loki

    Tons of pictures of my car

    Thanks Jake, and Nate I'll have something a bit better for rims by next SupraFest. At least I hope so, I've got alot I need to get done to the car before then.