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  1. V

    Compression test results!!!

    ^^ i need to know also as i am replacing my valve seals this winter break
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    code 52 without "limp" mode

    i got the same problem... i need to check my solder job on the knock sensor side
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    greddy profec help

    thanks but do u have any more shots? its hard to see the clip in that pic
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    greddy profec help

    i found out toyota doesn't sell the wastegates individually, do u have a pic of that turbo showing where the actuator is attached to the wastegate?
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    greddy profec help

    thanks hellraiser. i got rid of the code 52 and its still the same problem, plus i won't get f/c because i'm maft in blow thru. altho the car does pull like crazy at 16psi.. its like a dream.. lol but i feel the motor is very unsafe at the level. the vaccuum lines are as tight as possible...
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    greddy profec help

    car still does it, problem goes away after the car is driven for while which leads me to beleive it is still the wastegate. DOes anyone know how much a new one costs from toyota or if there are any alternatives to the stock wastegate? i prefer to get something new so i can eliminate any doubts
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    greddy profec help

    heh went out to shoot the video and it kept boosting to a solid 10psi :aigo: so i have no idea, if anything else happens i'll keep ya guys posted, i guess it musta been a stuck solendoid like u said bryan, but who knows we'll see as the week goes. But here's one of the videos, actually the...
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    greddy profec help

    is that the same thing as the balance? i'm about to go out right now, i'm going to try to get a video to show u guys what i mean. i also forgot to add that i tried the overboost mode and the standard actuator mode with no difference. btw can i unstick the solenoid?
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    greddy profec help

    its a used profec b (spec I) that i bought from another member. i just want the boost to be controllable, like some days it will be 7 some other days it will do 10.... but it seems as soon as i turn on the ebc the boost doesn't even cut off, this is the same problem i was having when i went...
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    greddy profec help

    ok so heres where i'm going to start, my car used to be shimmed with 4 washers giving me 10-11psi, so i decided that i would not go so ghetto and bought a MBC. Everytime i adjusted the MBC i would either not boost enough or overboost wayyy way way over. i was turning this knob just barely...
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    track vids from the sumer

    i think it cost us about 2k for reach day, but we split the cost and it was like 300 a person for 2 days
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    How do i stop this crazy wheel hop business??

    i guess i will be the first to say no wheel hop during dry weather (wet sometimes)... st sways and tein coil overs, my tires are 245's.. maybe i'm running a skinnier tire than everyone else?
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    intermediate wiper problem

    lol thanks, wasn't thinkin, i been so busy at school so my mind hasn't been in the supra game, thanks
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    intermediate wiper problem

    i have no idea where it would be, hoping sumone can point it out to me lol...
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    intermediate wiper problem

    hey guys my intermediate wipers stopped working. I can put them on setting 2 or 3 but on setting one the wiper will sometimes move once then never again.. they were working in the summer from what i can recall... any ideas?
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    track vids from the sumer

    ^ hmm i'll look it up thanks
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    track vids from the sumer

    ^yea it was kinda fun gettin the rear out... i need better tires.. but yea they let us rent the track out click on track rentals. what i like the most about this track is the lake of walls. it is nice and open so if u screw up u won't be killing urself. hows the...
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    track vids from the sumer

    there we go, found my good video links
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    track vids from the sumer

    hah get sum videos when u go, i am na-t with about 300rwhp, we did the long track and we also rented i think it was called fabi? which track did u run on? btw i did this on a stock na clutch too with no probs
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    track vids from the sumer

    Over the summer i went to shannonville race track to do some road racing with some buddies, it was a blast and i think i did pretty good for the first time, wheres the coverage, hope u guys enjoy. (we rented out the track 2 ourselves for 2 days, 4 hours each day) My suspension mods are ST sways...