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  1. Loki

    our stock rims in 17''?

    Here is a pic that Jake (IHI-RHC7) made of his car. I think the '91-92 5-spokes look awesome in a larger size, way better than MKIV rims.
  2. Loki

    The official 'I hate christmas' thread...

    Christmas time once again, time to be nice to the people who you can't stand all year :3d_frown:
  3. Loki


    On a '91 I do believe the speakers are 6.5" CK sucks.
  4. Loki

    another Xmass game

    531 first try :icon_lol:
  5. Loki

    I Ask Everyone here to read this Post!

    I think that is a really good idea.
  6. Loki

    Who's drunk right now!?

    I'm not sure, I've seen so many movies..... :icon_conf
  7. Loki

    Tila Nguyen Thread Part II. NWS ..duh!

    :bowdown: Rachel Bilson is the hotness!
  8. Loki

    post your desktop background

    That is a wicked pic Dave.
  9. Loki

    The official 'I hate christmas' thread...

    I didn't feel like reading the whole thread, I'm lazy and just got home from work. I kind of dislike christmas, but I like getting presents.....soo....I guess I like christmas. R.I.P Bunny, he has all kinds of feet to hump in bunny heaven :icon_surp Bella is a girl, I have pics to prove it...
  10. Loki

    I'm the new guy.

    Welcome to the site, I really like those SC's :)
  11. Loki

    Who's drunk right now!?

    Give'r one for me Craig :naughty:
  12. Loki

    Car picture galleries - now open!

    I re-uploaded my pictures :)
  13. Loki

    Things that make you go Hmmmmmm....

  14. Loki

    Dug the Supra out of the snow!!

    I'd like to get a cover for it, but I'm in the middle of pulling a bunch of parts off of it for my rebuild :dunno:
  15. Loki

    Dug the Supra out of the snow!!

    I dug mine out of the snow a few days ago, here is what it had before I cleaned it off. Only I didn't get to drive mine :(
  16. Loki

    ck's buildup..BIG style! 56k? I fart in your general direction!

    I don't see a difference, are you sure you arn't smoking crack? :hsugh:
  17. Loki

    Mattonedime calls out Upgradedsupra(Duane)

    Can't wait to see what you have planned Duane! :bigthumb:
  18. Loki

    Mattonedime calls out Upgradedsupra(Duane)

    I wanna see you run a 10, come on Duane :biglaugh:
  19. Loki

    REIGN's REBUILD! Its a beautiful thing... (THAT IS FOR SALE) =(

    Looking good Jake, those wheels look awesome on your car.
  20. Loki

    What the hell did I miss....

    Yes, lets fight