Check the TEMS actuators in the engine bay, many times they come unplugged. Take them out, maybe give it a quick cleaning and plug them back in!
Worst comes to worse, ive ripped apart my tems system several times, and know it like the back of my hand! So jsut make the drive over to...
:icon_bigg You know who i would have killed to get 200 to the tank?
I got 100 miles to the tank once! That was welll worth it though..... :icon_razz
Do a full basic tune up and come report back!
Aww its all in god fun! Id love to see a NA go down the 1320!
Im going!!! WAHOOO possibly, JSUT possibly with the supra, i doubt it though!
But throw me on the list!
Matt, take the time while its down to do a turbo swap.
Ill be the first to say that ill donate some intercooler piping to you! Just pay for shipping, if your interested :)
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