OK Here's the long waited vids and pics!!!
Here they are all pretty like and in one peice
they almost fit civics! :naughty:
friends screwing around:
sideskirt runover:
The aftermath:
Here's the vid:
my other question is, can i start the car without the tranmission? i want to try different things then test, but i don't remember if i can mount up the starter or not.
ok lemme ask this then, the flywheel that i had resurfaced was out of my friend's 89, i have a 88. my orig flywheel is fine, it looks perfect, should i try to throw my original back in and run it with the pressure plate? is it a possibility that they messed up on the resurface? because if...
u have to get them balanced? should i just throw back on my stock flywheel then? i noticed that its in very good condition with only 60k on it.. on the other forum, a member suggested i didn't line up the pressure plate with the flywheel? how do i know?
btw clutch is a spec stage 2+, and i just checked to see if it was the throwoutbearing, but its not, i get vibrations no matter if the clutch is engaged or disengaged
hey guys i just finished installing my brand new spec clutch and now my car has some serious vibrations that it did not have before. i made sure that everything was tightened and i wasn't missing any bolts. the vibration happens at idle as well as dirving so i am thinking something wasn't...
wait a min i just realised who u r on njtuners lol, u have a diff name i see, just like me, i'm meeting up with axelachic and axelaspeed if u live near them
hey man if u want my old hatch struts ur more than welcome to them, they aren't great, but they will hold the hatch up provided u don't have a cover on it. i'll prolly still have them sitting in my trunk at the show sat so let me know
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