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  1. Ozz89supra

    I introduce to you BOOSTY

    That is a sexy picture and a giant snail :bowdown:
  2. Ozz89supra


    UMmmmmm pics!!!!
  3. Ozz89supra

    Not a new finally here

    WOw that is a clean car you got!!
  4. Ozz89supra

    Lex Afm+57 trim+440's=bad????

    cuts at around 9psi BOV is SSQV No codes starting to think it my tps
  5. Ozz89supra

    The MK3 Investment....more expensive than children???

    Does the red car have 5zigen wheels??? I like the way the look :love:
  6. Ozz89supra

    350z vs 7mgte

    They seem fast.. idk never raced one
  7. Ozz89supra

    Random YouTube Videos.... (Some very NWS)

    HAHAHA thts funny Reminds me of this one
  8. Ozz89supra

    The MK3 Investment....more expensive than children???

    Im 18 and I bought my car for 4k since I bought it I keep a list of everything I have bought and its a total of $2,566.94
  9. Ozz89supra

    Battery tie-down bolt

    Kidding me?? I love JB weld, it has gotten me through so tight situations. A must have for every MKIII owner!! ::w00t::
  10. Ozz89supra

    Me vs wrx & turbo eclipse

    WRX are not that fast stock so It takes some $$$$ to make one go fast. I know because my best friend has a WRX and when he bought it (stock) it was barely faster than my sentra he is slightly slower than the Supra but he has a lot of money into it..... Nice Kills!!!!
  11. Ozz89supra

    Lex Afm+57 trim+440's=bad????

    Just finished drilling out the J tube :thumbup: , and it seems to idle pretty nice :love:, now I gotta take it out of my shop and drive it.....keep you guys posted..... Update: So My AFRS are still rich and im still hitting fuel-cut at around 5k So I just shift before than...... but the car...
  12. Ozz89supra

    Battery tie-down bolt

    yeah that would work also, Im just not sure how much of a pain in the ass it is to get a nut welded on there
  13. Ozz89supra

    Battery tie-down bolt

    Ohh dam I see now... you could make it bigger like adampecush said
  14. Ozz89supra

    Battery tie-down bolt

    There was just a threaded hole there, Im not sure if thats were the stock one goes or what.... but is right underneath the headlight
  15. Ozz89supra

    Battery tie-down bolt

    Or you can get creative and make your own........ I had to because they would not let me pass tech without a tie down :icon_bigg
  16. Ozz89supra

    Lex Afm+57 trim+440's=bad????

    About tht J tube....... :: no :: havent done it .....yeah he bought a 93 coupe, 5 speed, Ka24de so its slow, but he just wants it to drift since he already has a WRX
  17. Ozz89supra

    Lex Afm+57 trim+440's=bad????

    Soo I started her up this morning and my AFRS are now 11-12 idling lol. I gotta take her out and adjust fuel with the safc later tonight. Yeah I had to drop the tank twice because I forgot to plug in a connector :cry: but at least I did it right..... I also got a little distracted because my...
  18. Ozz89supra

    Lex Afm+57 trim+440's=bad????

    Ok I might do it early tomorrow. I just finished putting in my walbro, now I just gotta put the tank back inn so im getting there
  19. Ozz89supra

    Lex Afm+57 trim+440's=bad????

    Just a fancy SAFC but thanks for the advice
  20. Ozz89supra

    Lex Afm+57 trim+440's=bad????

    So whats the worse thing that can happen if I dont drill out my J tube??? and is there are write-up for it. I tried searching it but no luck on how to drill into it. Thanks!