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  1. gottadiesel

    Is this weird? I think it's weird.

    WOW, that is all I have to say about that... and I thought Gomer Pyle had been working on mine before I bought it...
  2. gottadiesel

    problems on first start up

    What color are the plugs on the ECU? If they are yellow, than your harness and ECU should be 87/88. (perhaps someone else can verify if 89 were yellow also) If that is the case you can use the link below - 1/3 way down on the page there is a heading...
  3. gottadiesel

    tach not working

    Tach is fed from igniter, perhaps check connections at igniter, along with verifying it is grounded well. If you search, there is a thread that shows how to add additional grounding to igniter to insure it is grounded well... though the benefits of grounded mod, reach much farther then insuring...
  4. gottadiesel

    problems on first start up

    I think perhaps there have been no replies for a couple of reasons... One is the original post is not laid out in a fashion that makes it easy to understand and comprehend... I know I had to read it 3 times times to begin to understand. So it initially looks like a cobbled mess. So lets break...
  5. gottadiesel

    afm delete

    ^^^^ Thanks Kenny... Hoping you would see this and chime in with your support and your positive experiences utilizing the Maft-Pro system. IMO, it does not deserve any negative reputation, you just need to understand the investment of time to learn, as you stated...
  6. gottadiesel

    Engine won't rev when set at 10 Degrees BTDC.

    No problem... and yes you are correct, I sold my Neo for $235 on ebay and sold my Lexus body for $55, so it was almost a wash...
  7. gottadiesel

    afm delete

    The Maft-Pro has been nothing but great for me... It was more complicated then the Apexi Neo, but that is like comparing Windows Paint application to Adobe PhotoShop... perhaps takes more time to learn how to use the PhotoShop, but the capabilities of one to the other is no comparison. I can't...
  8. gottadiesel

    Whats your fastest highway mph ??

    Ditto to that!!! I may drive often, I may drive far and I may drive fast, I may have a couple too many speeding tickets, but I have Zero accidents with now about 1.3 millions miles driven since I earned my DL at 16 years of age (quick I need some wood to knock on...) The things I always keep...
  9. gottadiesel

    Engine won't rev when set at 10 Degrees BTDC.

    ^^^^^^^ YES YES, Everything whitemike said!!!!!!!! I had similar issues after my build, was also using the NEO (my opinion, is it is a better suited for V-techs and the like) A new AFM from Toyota is roughly $600, I found my Maft-Pro with Sensors on Ebay (had only been used for 6 months) and...
  10. gottadiesel

    afm delete

    Depends on your overall goals and how much you have to spend... Personally I went with Maft-Pro, I like it, it is only most useful though if you use something like TunerPro RT Software so that you can do logging, live monitor, updates on the fly, Tune using a VE Table that gives you like 255...
  11. gottadiesel

    Engine won't rev when set at 10 Degrees BTDC.

    A couple of things, make sure when you disconnect the Neo that you connect the two ends together that input into the ECU for your Karmen signal. Another item on the Neo, make sure you have the latest firmware, they had a series of releases that the Karman translator did not work properly. If...
  12. gottadiesel

    A "strong box" for pistol storage, 2A/LEO

    Here in WA it is not required to be locked, otherwise I would run into the same issue, it only needs to be locked in vehicle and out of view. But I would think one could rig up a slide out rail system under your seat (depends if you have stock seats (power) or not. My TRD seats have decent...
  13. gottadiesel

    Engine no start

    Did you get starter replaced? I have a couple of thoughts, but they are useless if you can not turn it over with the starter...
  14. gottadiesel

    ct26 stock turbo installation!!!!! Need Help!

    I am a ways from LA, but the link below should be helpful in your quest to: 1) Securely attach the turbo to the correct location 2) Securely attach the turbo in the correct manner 3) Prepare the turbo correctly 4) Install the turbo using the correct tools; Last but not least -...
  15. gottadiesel

    89 Supra Idles Rough and Drives Rougher

    Sorry to OP - But since Jstoked made the comment, figure I could add a suggestion in regards to his issue... Your issue sounds like it might be an issue with your cold start injector... It adds extra fuel during cold start and IIRC continues to add some until temp reaches a particular set point...
  16. gottadiesel

    What are these meant for??

    Yeah, You Betcha! Gotta spread the good stuff...
  17. gottadiesel

    What are these meant for??

    This may be before your time, but the original reference to the "Flux Capacitor" is from "Back to the Future" with Micheal J Fox, they made 3 of them... It was a made up device for, as stated above, time travel... the SSSC was pulling your leg or being sarcastic... either way, hope that clears...
  18. gottadiesel

    Toyota love Friday nights in Tacoma

    I will be there and of course most importantly I will be there with the Supra :-) See you tonight Supra_rulz - Google does not show a Sonic at that location, is it new? I assume you are referring to a Sonic Drive-Inn?
  19. gottadiesel

    Whats your fastest highway mph ??

    Toss up between 1995 Lexus LS400 and 1986 Toyota MR2 - both 130-135... The Lexus felt like I was doing 90... the MR2 felt like I was doing 160... I have not had my Supra passed 110, I think Stock Suspension is wore and not sure if it has anything to do with it, but missing air damper (lip on...
  20. gottadiesel

    Cruise on Hwy 101 11/11/2010

    Damn, looks like I am out... I am jut buried in work this week... Can't walk away from the work that pays for the toys :-)... You guys have fun though, hope the weather holds up for you. But I do still plan to get up to Tacoma Friday night, so if you are there we'll see you then.