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  1. willfish

    SM Name Stickers (Approved by Grimjack) Round #2

    yea, thats cool Joel, thanks, Will
  2. willfish

    SM Name Stickers (Approved by Grimjack) Round #2

    Joel, that looks great, yea , you can beef up the " f " a little, ... yea, you can put the " lytmup " in the same font/style... thanks Joel. Will
  3. willfish

    New member, pics of ride

    nice ride, got any close ups of the rims ? Will
  4. willfish

    SM Name Stickers (Approved by Grimjack) Round #2

    payment sent through paypal.... thanks Joel... Will
  5. willfish

    SM Name Stickers (Approved by Grimjack) Round #2

    ok,, just one more reqest if its possible, if not, its cool,, I like how the willfish is after the "M" is it possible to put my licience name " lytmup " before the "M" in supramania ? Will
  6. willfish

    SM Name Stickers (Approved by Grimjack) Round #2

    Joel, is it possible to have some basic looking letters ? or even better some lettering that resembles the supramania style lettering ? Will
  7. willfish

    SM Name Stickers (Approved by Grimjack) Round #2

    umm,, I guess it really doesnt matter what font or style,, if possible I wouldnt mind seeing how it would look, if its not too much trouble,,, but if it is, its cool dont worry.. so if I got that right, 2 for 4dollars, and a buck for each additional ? so thats $ 10 bucs...
  8. willfish

    SM Name Stickers (Approved by Grimjack) Round #2

    holy hell,, where the hell have I been !!!!! I'll take eight (8) in white..... Will let me know who to pay ......
  9. willfish

    Are ugly girls sluttier than pretty girls?

    sluts put out easier :naughty: Will
  10. willfish

    Steelers Won It !!

  11. willfish

    Steelers Won It !!

    ,,, THATS RIGHT,,, need not to say anymore.....:biglaugh: Will
  12. willfish

    ive had my license for 2 weeks and

    just curious, maybe it might of had something to do with how young you are , or how young you look, ,, how old are you ? I had a few run ins with po when I was in my late teens .... cops dont like young guys in sports cars, sepecially an import..... like americanjebus...
  13. willfish

    anyone buy EMPIRE carpet b4 ?

    i'm buying new carpet for my spare bedroom before my bow-flex ultimate II comes . So i being cheep that I am with my money and want to to go as far as it can shop around for the best price/ install, a remnant word wants like some $310 home dopt wants about $ 350 I called empire ...
  14. willfish

    Sleeping on the Job

    thats grett, but they encourage us to sleep at work when we get the chance !!! :naughty: Will
  15. willfish

    stupid honda

    kids and their honda's :icon_conf Will
  16. willfish

    My new it's not CK...

    what the hell is that ??? :icon_conf Will
  17. willfish

    Tax return

    I'm going to be banging back about 3500 ,, but i'll be going to like 5 different institutes to get the better tax break,, .... my goal is to try and get bach 5 grand since i'm going to try and right off my Xterra for work/.......:naughty: Will
  18. willfish

    Greedy Profec B boost controller

    lol,, and the cons ? Will
  19. willfish

    Post a pic of yourself - in light of IJ's Community thread.

    IJ,, can you say "metrosexual ? " :biglaugh: J/K CK :icon_wink Will