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  1. Loki

    picture post

    This is how my car sits right now, well it's got the hood on and it's not on jackstands but pretty close.
  2. Loki

    Kwnate's "FTW" build

    That looks lame Nate. Jay kay...jay kay.... looks good Nate, can't wait to see it all back together.
  3. Loki

    Anyone play Guitar Hero?

    It's not all of a sudden, I've liked the Misfits for a looooooooooooong time :cool:
  4. Loki

    Odd things that happen at your job.....

    Nothing really odd happens at my job.
  5. Loki

    Anyone play Guitar Hero?

    Nice band room drc, my band room will look alot better after next weekend. I'll have 3 guitars, 1 bass and my Fender amp and an amp for the bass. My room isn't big enough :biglaugh: Here is a shot of my one guitar and amp :)
  6. Loki

    Anyone play Guitar Hero?

    Shaeff, I've got an older Fender tube amp. I love it, and I got it for free. It's my Uncle's old one it was sitting my my Grandparents basement forever, it's probably from the '80s sometime, it sounds so amazing.
  7. Loki

    Anyone play Guitar Hero?

    JustAnotherVictim, I want a Les Paul soooo bad, they are such nice guitars :( Shaeff, tube amps > all. I would post the pic of my three guitars and amp but I don't seem to have it hosted anymore :? and all I've got right now for a pedal is a Boss metal Zone, I'm going to get the Boss ME-50...
  8. Loki

    what your born on date ?

    My Supra is the perfect age of 17 ;)
  9. Loki

    Anyone play Guitar Hero?

    No-name Strat BC Rich Beast (usually in Drop D) Plus I have another one that is just a cheap strat rip off, and I'm planning to buy another guitar this summer but we shall see if I have the money too. ....and I've never played that game before.
  10. Loki


    I agree. :rofl:
  11. Loki

    I got accepted to University!

  12. Loki

    Do You Like House Music?

    I've only ever heard one song from Tiesto and I really liked it, I don't really listen to house music.
  13. Loki

    Well, well.. look what arrived today.

    That is awesome, that pic looks amazing. Your car just keeps getting better and better Dan, can't wait to see the actual piece painted and installed.
  14. Loki

    Gross misuse of the apostrophe ( ' )...possibly humorous

    I try my best with my grammer and spelling, I know I mess up sometimes. I took a english course a few years ago and I kind of remember some of the stuff that I learned in it, not alot of it but a little bit.
  15. Loki

    Post a pic of yourself - in light of IJ's Community thread.

    it's the truth my Mom told me last night :(
  16. Loki

    Post a pic of yourself - in light of IJ's Community thread.

    I don't think anyone here likes him :nono: but i hear he's packing major man meat, at least that's what my mom says