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  1. Slow66

    9 sec mk3 at 144mph

    agreed....doesn't sound like any 7m i've ever heard.
  2. Slow66

    hahaha..i will be OWNED!
  3. Slow66

    Ultrasound Tech

    My girlfriend is one, and i work in Interventional Radiology and CT Scan. There is good $ to be made but the RDMS (certification for Ultrasound) is a VERY hard test (I think around only 50% pass the first time they take it). If you're good in anatomy (alot of vascular and biliary stuff) and you...
  4. Slow66

    where to get tripple plate flywheel?

    Yeah, 8 holes would make it a bit harder :) I would hope a place like tilton could send one undrilled. Any idea on how the diameter/tooth count compares to the 7m?
  5. Slow66

    where to get tripple plate flywheel?

    Dunno...never worked on one :) That was the pic they put next to that part #. They probably used the same pic for all of them....
  6. Slow66

    where to get tripple plate flywheel?

    Probably something you already know but... They have this one for the mkiv... (pn's 51-5020 and 51-5021) I would imagine it could be re-drilled/modified to work on the 7m, no? Or are these discontinued too?
  7. Slow66

    I need pictures of peoples' MKIII's with different kinds of wheels

    Take it up with Joe in PM. It doesn't belong in this thread. Needless to say, it doesn't mean what you think it does, otherwise the mods/admins would have intervened long ago.
  8. Slow66

    cam postion need to knw where marks are

    1. set crank to TDC 2. set cams to straight up 3. install and tighten belt 4. line up these marks (2nd image) 5. put cps in 6. set timing Merry Christmas
  9. Slow66

    600hp mkiii vs 07 zo6

    Someone wanna tell me again how we go from comparing a $500 MKIII to a $75,000 corvette, to a $1,000,000 supercar??? ;) :D
  10. Slow66

    ***SM member 1/4 mi. times list***

    Got some general mods i can put in there? Turbo, fuel, tuning aids, etc? :)
  11. Slow66

    Happy Birthday Jake!

    Hope you have a good one Jake (reign_maker). Have an extra one for me :):beer: :biggrinbo
  12. Slow66

    track vid of Import Face Off - 11.7 @ 121

    Car looks/runs good man!