I went a an automotive college for 2 years and bailed out because of all the horror stories of the job market being no good and the inevitable major change that the whole oil crisis is bringing on. I'd find something else, although i still have no idea what to do..
57 trim, spearco rep ic, hardpipes, 3 in exhaust excluding the elbow, homemade MBC and shimmed wastegate to right under fuel cut.
Car's good. I have like zero money so everything is in standstill with it ATM. I'm really wanting to go safc though! Hopefully i can hit high 300's if i ever get the project underway haha. You still have yours right?
Girlfriend finally comes into town (lives 1700 miles away) and we're having an amazing time, then she gets news that her dad is dying and she needs to fly back. Double suck :icon_neut Oh and it's my 21'st today.
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