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  1. Mo87NA

    Rear recaro interior on Ebay 200$

    Just a heads up. You shouldn't post ebay links. It's really frowned upon. Because of that post, the price will probably sky rocket. Mo
  2. Mo87NA

    MDC's Holset/89 turbo silver buildup

    Looks good bro. Keep up the good work. Mo
  3. Mo87NA

    odd intermittent noise at idle

    Kinda sounds like a valve tap of some sorts to me. Hard to tell from the video though. Mo
  4. Mo87NA

    odd intermittent noise at idle

    It's probably the water pump. Sounds faintly similar to a rod knock. Like others said, it could also be the fan clutch. Mo
  5. Mo87NA

    Erebuni Ground Effects Liquidation Sale

    I think thats only the front bumper. Mo
  6. Mo87NA

    Update: 7/12/09- White car stripped for paint

    What's up Chris? Any progress? Let me know when you need a hand and I'll stop by. Mo
  7. Mo87NA

    GReddy Turbo Questions

    Hey JDM. I've got a Frankenstein 5 TD06-20G. You may want to look into this rebuild. It's supposed to flow 750 cfm and uses a Garret 60 trim compressor wheel. used to have a really nice break down of all the Frankenstein turbos, but it seems they got rid of the page...
  8. Mo87NA

    Nashman shifter part 2 price released page 1 (new demo vid page 3)

    Damn, I was interested in the first batch you made. I can't wait to see how this one turns out ;) Do we know a price range yet? Mo
  9. Mo87NA

    SupraMania Chat Room via AIM

    I'm in the Flashchat right now. Bored out of my skull. Come entertain me please!
  10. Mo87NA

    Slow's build: Wheelie Bar Equipped

    Keep up the good work homie. You need to get her done so I can roll through CT and check it out first hand! Mo
  11. Mo87NA

    Anyone have access to a CNC laser machine?

    I agree Kev. I was pretty upset I missed the last one. Even if you dont go a GB, I'll be down to purchase one from you. Mo
  12. Mo87NA

    what do your parents do with you and your car?

    Me and my dad have done all the work on my car. He's a good guy and has basically taught me everything I know.... Mo
  13. Mo87NA

    Help! I can't get my new injector's clips to fit! *Pics included*

    You know I never had to use spacers with my 680 PTE injectors.... Mo
  14. Mo87NA

    Exhaust fitment with TH400 Tranny

    You'd love it too. Bry can make just about anything. As me how I know ;). Mo Bry~Still waiting for you to give me your hood :)
  15. Mo87NA

    tuning shops

    Have a complete tune done on my Maft Pro. I've been doing some reading so I think I'm getting the hang out it, but I'd like to just get it all done one shot. Mo
  16. Mo87NA

    SupraMania Chat Room via AIM

    Well we got a few board members in the Flashchat room. 7MBoost, Myself, and Slow66....You guys should come join in. Mo
  17. Mo87NA

    My Katrina restoration project

    One word, Beautiful. Awesome car. Congrats on the progress. Mo