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  1. DreamerTheresa

    Do you daily drive a 240sx?

    We have this cool section called "Other Cars." :)
  2. DreamerTheresa

    My Car show Debut! Lotsa pics!

    GREAT pics! Moved to Other Cars, though. ;P
  3. DreamerTheresa

    Who's drunk right now!?

    Nnnngh... My love/hate relationship with tequila... It makes me feel SO GOOD... ...and then gives me a fucking killer headache.
  4. DreamerTheresa

    *happy Dance*

  5. DreamerTheresa

    So i took my dog for a walk last night....

    Oh, yeah. They've got quite the vocal repertoire.
  6. DreamerTheresa

    So i took my dog for a walk last night....

    Raccoons.... bark?!
  7. DreamerTheresa


    My dear, thank you so much for the coffee splattered all over my computer.
  8. DreamerTheresa

    Oh, and happy Easter

    Dude. It's just chocolate. But WHY do I find this so sick and horrifying?
  9. DreamerTheresa

    Not really sure how to explain this one.

    WATCH VIDS IN ORDER. sorta kinda NWS:
  10. DreamerTheresa

    Face to names

  11. DreamerTheresa

    savannahashlee's personal bitching thread.

    Dude. Don't be an ass. Excuse me while I call the WHAAAAAAAAAAAAmbulance. ...and get you a dictionary so you can learn how to spell.
  12. DreamerTheresa

    Face to names

    It's always been one of my easiest ways to spot a toolbag. :icon_razz
  13. DreamerTheresa

    Face to names

    No freaking joke.
  14. DreamerTheresa

    Face to names

    Me and SupraCentral on our way to Steak and BlowJob Day dinner:
  15. DreamerTheresa

    Post pictures of your DD/Beaters!

    The other love of my life: Seriously. I love this car more than most people love their spouses. ...and he gets like 34 mpg.
  16. DreamerTheresa

    Man I work with stupid people.... in point?
  17. DreamerTheresa

    Just need to ask but

    You'd better drop the attitude and pick up on some intelligence, or you'll wind up the hell out of here in short order.
  18. DreamerTheresa

    Creativity gone...

    I didn't draw anything for years after getting burnt out on my art in college. I'm not sure what advice to offer you - I let it hibernate, waited for my stress to die down, and my artists' fingers started itching again.