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  1. Loki

    Supra90turbo's build thread

    Dammit! I came into this section saw that Kurt's thread had fresh replies in it and thought to myself "holy shit! he's actually done something." I then opened the thread and saw nothing new had happened, I was quite disapointed to say the least. Doesn't really surprise me anymore when...
  2. Loki

    Sawblade Color

  3. Loki

    I feel lik getting naked.

    I'm just sittin' here rockin' the pantiloons.
  4. Loki

    special thank you!

    :rofl: luvmysilverdildo FTW. And who pissed in exanders Cheerios? :dunno:
  5. Loki

    Smoked tail lights?

    I'm talking about the brighter center, it's annoying :(
  6. Loki

    Smoked tail lights?

    Randy's taillights look amazing, I wanna tint mine a bit. Just to get them a bit closer to the JDM ones and so my center section matches :(
  7. Loki

    Who lets their girl drive

    I've never let a g/f drive either one of my Supra's, but if one really wanted to I'd probably let them.
  8. Loki

    is it just me?

    Nope, never had a bad dream about the car.
  9. Loki

    What pornstar would you want and Why?

    If I had to choose probably Teagan (before her boob job).
  10. Loki

    OMG it's big!

    Very nice.
  11. Loki

    Why do they think...

    That we can, so please tone it down a bit.
  12. Loki

    Beach Fotos

    Very nice.
  13. Loki

    Updated My Cardomain

    Car looks good as always Kevin, and I like your truck too :bigthumb:
  14. Loki

    Who's drunk right now!?

    I agree, or jack and iced tea. I have a full 26 of jack that my friend bought me for helping him work on his car.
  15. Loki

    Anyone pms boxes rise in size?

    I'm at 1000 :dunno:
  16. Loki

    Your TOP 15 Favorite Video Games

    I'm not psoting them in order and I'm not sure if I can think of 15 of them. Tony Hawk 1 and 2 Godeneye 64 Gran Turismo 3 and 4 Guitar Heroes Syphon Filter 2 Tokyo Extreme Racer Zero and 3 I think that's it.
  17. Loki

    Negative rep

    If you really feel the need to neg rep people just do it, you really don't have to announce it. I've only ever given out neg rep once and it was a joke :dunno:
  18. Loki

    It was bound to happen eventually...

    Joe you have failed life, kthnxbye.
  19. Loki

    Crocodile hunter dead? I just saw this...

    That is hella weaksauce :(
  20. Loki

    Lost the girlfriend...
