So I want to paint my sawblades again and I wanted the advice of my felow supra owners. Right now my sawblades are flat black and I wanted to paint them again any input is welcome.
Mine are semi gloss black. The centercaps are blac and toyota was painted red with a small paint brush =] I should of clear coated them as they are starting to discolor a lil bit. Pics in a lil bit
His sawblades are awesome, I wanted to do something similiar considering once I get my paint job, my interior redone and everything, my goal is full on black with red trimming.
Get a nice gunmetal colored rim paint, duplicolor makes one, its durable and lasts too, look sexy. ill get a pic of mine some day and post it up if i ever find this thread again
PINK like the subie guys. Actually i've always thought about painting just the face of the wheel black and painting the sawblade holes silver ot the other wa around.
Here's some close up my wheels. I painted them about 5 months ago I used Rustoleum Hammered Black paint. I did the Toyota logo using a syringe and needle with white paint. I put the needle down into the recess and slowly gently applied pressure to the syringe using the sides of the recess to guide me, and the paint flowed out with total control. They are really dirty right now but they look great when clean and so far the chips have been to a minimum. After about two weeks the paint is incredibly hard. For those who wonder what 245/50-16's look like mounted on a stock rim as you can see its a perfect fit. Thios size tire keeps me from trashing my rims if the Mrs. gets too close to a curb.
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