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  1. Adjuster

    Quality of Probe Pistons?

    Do they slap on start up with the specs given for clearance by Probe? Just curious.
  2. Adjuster

    Ross pistons problem (big one)

    I've found if the pistons are coated, and all of mine have been coated, that running the 6k clearance ROSS reccomends results in nasty piston slap. My current ones are set to just over 4K, and they slap when cold. I think to get away from the slap, a piston with a longer skirt design would...
  3. Adjuster

    Charcoal Canister/ Engine Bay cleanup...

    I found it was a great place to mount the Oilguard bypass filter. :)
  4. Adjuster

    Why does everyone underestimate the MKIII?

    Yep, the 928 was the design target, and they also wanted to beat, or at least equal the vette at the time power wise. The design chief for the MK3 body actually stated way back in 85 that they over built the body of the car to make sure it was rattle and shake free. (And more crashworthy.)...
  5. Adjuster

    Do you want Energy Suspension Poly Bushings? READ HERE.

    Oh, I like the poly bushings, no question there. (But I was not willing to pay the premium for them.) If/When these are either a full kit for less than 300, or setup so they can be purchased as you want them for say 150 to 200 for the upper/lower bushings, steering rack bushing and perhaps...
  6. Adjuster

    Do you want Energy Suspension Poly Bushings? READ HERE.

    I have been waiting for years, while looking at the options out there, and holding off, because of the sometimes insane prices on the available stuff... (Keep in mind, I'm a guy who does not mind spending the money on what works, but only when it's really needed, and the stock bushings did not...
  7. Adjuster

    Cam tuning info and guide

    The 5200rpm drop off is due more to the small turbo hot side, than the manifold design from what I've seen. Going up to the larger, bolt on T4 60-1 trim with a P trim (I think) hot side, it spooled up fine to red line, with no drop in power on the stock engine. However, when I added the...
  8. Adjuster

    Cam tuning info and guide

    Interesting debate and discussion going on here. My personal thought is the stock 7MGTE cams do a pretty good job of working with the stock motor, and stock intake etc. Higher lift might be a good improvement, and perhaps some extended duration without too much overlap that would screw...
  9. Adjuster

    studdering at 5k rpms and above

    He's tried the AFM's, both sensors and stuff like that. I've suggested checking the ground to the coils, and sending JetJock a PM for ideas. I'm tapped out, and can not figure out what's up. From what he's telling me, he just changed out the injectors, and the AFM to a Lexus sized one...
  10. Adjuster

    Anybody have any guages from PLX Devices?

    I like everything about them but the price. It would be nice if they had a full round screen too, so they don't look like square pegs in round holes.. :) I'm actually thinking of buying a small used laptop, and "Installing" it in the car... It could use the Tuner Pro RT program, and show...
  11. Adjuster

    Finally Decided on Color - *PICS FROM PAINT BOOTH ADDED 02/08*

    Don't get me wrong. I think that color is going to be awesome on the MK3. I think his engine bay is going to turn out very nice. I think the color change is going to go well. I just want him to get his money's worth out of this whole process. :) It beats the hell out of my original 88...
  12. Adjuster

    Too high of oil pressure cons and plus

    The stock oil pump has a pressure bypass that dumps any oil pressure at the pump over about 40psi back into the oil pan/engine. It just "leaks" the oil out v/s sending it anywhere else. There is a second "leak" system on the stock 7MGTE. It too also leaks about 40psi.. (So not much oil...
  13. Adjuster

    new machined part

    Mine is from ARZ, and it is black. It also has a O ring seal that this one lacks. :) The bling is there, but you only know it if you look close. (Or are the owner, and that's what counts in my case.) ;) The curve on the face of the "hat" part is interesting, as is the 7M script. ARZ's...
  14. Adjuster

    Finally Decided on Color - *PICS FROM PAINT BOOTH ADDED 02/08*

    Show jobs are color sanded and buffed pretty much everywhere. (Even in the engine bay areas, and the bolt holes are welded, filled and smoothed etc.) For 4k, you are not going to get a show job. You should get a very good quality full color change however with no tape lines, and no areas...
  15. Adjuster

    Finally Decided on Color - *PICS FROM PAINT BOOTH ADDED 02/08*

    Ok, photos are hard to see stuff in, that's for sure, but I'd check it out just the same. There is also no color on the left rail, where it was blocked by the steering. I'm not trying to pick on you either. I just want you to get what you paid for. ;) 4k is about the cost of doing this in...
  16. Adjuster

    Finally Decided on Color - *PICS FROM PAINT BOOTH ADDED 02/08*

    Looks nice. Your painter was/is not very detail oriented. (Just to let you know.) He missed under the battery tray, and there is no "easy touch up" with a two stage metallic. (He will have to completely do the engine bay again to get good adheasion with the clear coat, so your done now, as...
  17. Adjuster

    found out somthing interesting from the shop!

    That joke was naaawwwz very funny... ;) While you have the head off, helicoil the exhaust studs... :) Never a better time to do them, and upgrade to easy to find SAE thread sizes.. (And you can then buy a inexpensive header stud and locking nut kit from a place like Summit, and enjoy exhuast...
  18. Adjuster

    Aftermarket Crankshaft

    Simple knife edged stock crank is about the best deal going if you want to do this. Mine was knife edged by Out of Nashville, TN. (They also hard chromed the main and rod jourals, and it's a stroker, so the rod journals are sized for a 327 Chevy at 2" v/s the stock...
  19. Adjuster

    Deciding on a particular compression ratio

    The funny thing about theory. It's often trumped by the real world results. IE: The same pressure, at the same RPM, but the higher flow turbo on the same engine makes more REAL power. (Not theory power mind you, but real power.) I'm sure it has to do with all kinds of technical reasons...
  20. Adjuster

    Dual SAAB/Porsche BOVs

    Someone pointed out this post, so I figure I'd better get in here and clarify why I did two Bosch Bypass Valves. (Porsche spec, with the stronger springs.) The Bosch Bypass Valve is designed to be pulled slightly open under vac conditions, and then close up as the pressure goes from vac to...