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  1. tbcmorris


    My car parts stay in the garage, my girl actually helped me with some stuff along the way....mostly sanding
  2. tbcmorris

    Puff of Smoke if car sits for a while

    Viper is right....are we talking like a puff of smoke or call the fire dept smoke? Did the "jdm" engine come witha turbo?
  3. tbcmorris

    Puff of Smoke if car sits for a while

    Viper is right....are we talking like a puff of call the fire dept? Did the "jdm" engine come witha turbo?
  4. tbcmorris

    This is why you are fat...

  5. tbcmorris

    This is great

    Oh god that was classic
  6. tbcmorris

    IC piping

    He had dreams of twinn charging it
  7. tbcmorris

    IC piping

    Yes and do make sure you check out the awesome "custom" dashboard. Sorry if I come off like a dick I'm not...but damn he destroyed that car
  8. tbcmorris

    IC piping

    You should put that back to the bowels of hell where it came from
  9. tbcmorris

    IC piping

    AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Is that hommers?????!!!!!! Where the c4!
  10. tbcmorris


    Funckmonkey......that's a booty call
  11. tbcmorris

    Any benefit for me going from a US AT ECU to a JDM MT ECU?

    The differences between auto and manual wiring for the trans??
  12. tbcmorris

    exhaust decision

    Buy boostlee's exhaust and recirc your wastegate
  13. tbcmorris

    Any benefit for me going from a US AT ECU to a JDM MT ECU?

    And a MT over an AT one will give the benfits of easier install Do MT an AT cars have the same Redline??
  14. tbcmorris

    From laid off to NEW JOB!!

    SC....I probably "worked" more hours at getting a new job than I did at the old job. But you are right I consider this a huge blessing. Especially since finacally I was not prepared for not having income. Mike...I haven't even gotten to tour the shop yet!! I have seen some of the...
  15. tbcmorris

    13 year old DAD !!!~

    This is fucked on so many levels....I remeber when a chic in my school gave birth in 8th grade and I was confused.
  16. tbcmorris

    oil in timing belt case

    Gatcha thanks...adding it to my order...I have an oil leak in this area and I'm anal and I'm going to replace everything
  17. tbcmorris

    From laid off to NEW JOB!!

    Evening fellas, So I got laid off last week as a direct result of our crumey old job was at an independant repair shop. It was a mom and pop place. Awesome to work at, with great co workers. Well I was the newest guy(much better tech than some of my seniors) when we started...
  18. tbcmorris

    Some pics from the shop tonight.

    Nice....gotta git a lift in there!!
  19. tbcmorris

    iPhone/itouch your sister app...tsrm

    You can use mine...but I think its too old... do you need a specific program??