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  1. DreamerTheresa

    Faces to Names 2: The Reckoning

    I'm trying to remember what the girl scout party was. I just remember they handed out merit badges all weekend. I got two - body shots and... and.... er..... strip tease? Bot received in the elevator. o.O
  2. DreamerTheresa

    Faces to Names 2: The Reckoning Galleries are NWS!!! I know I've got plenty of pics in the '08 gallery, but I'm not sure about '07.
  3. DreamerTheresa

    Faces to Names 2: The Reckoning

    Last thread was too flippin' long. HERE! Have a new one! Supracentral and me:
  4. DreamerTheresa

    Face to names

    Time for a new thread. This one has gotten FAR too long.
  5. DreamerTheresa

    Don't know what to say..

    Yeah, Hi. OTHER CARS?!? Yeah, thanks. (see sig. kthxbye. be thankful i'm drunk and feeling nice today)
  6. DreamerTheresa

    Happy BDAY Suprahero and Suprahooked, one day late.

    Line up for spankings!!!
  7. DreamerTheresa

    Kids say the darnest things...

    Last time I had my hoo waxed, it was the 3rd of July and the wait was out the flippin' door. Mom and her 9 year old daughter are seated next to me. "Mommy, are you going to the dentist?" I snort. "No, honey." "Then why are we here?" I about pee. "You know how mommy waxes people's eyebrows...
  8. DreamerTheresa

    show us your pets!!!

    If you were closer, I'd give you as many as you want. Fer srs. 12 is too damn many. If you're really interested, California has some great chinchilla rescues.
  9. DreamerTheresa

    Face to names

    We should have a Supra party there.
  10. DreamerTheresa


    #9 had me gagging.
  11. DreamerTheresa

    show us your pets!!!

    Domestic longhair.
  12. DreamerTheresa

    show us your pets!!!

    .... :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
  13. DreamerTheresa

    show us your pets!!!

    Eh. I'll let it slide. I do have to close the face to names thread soon and start a new one. Chris, I didn't know you did saltwater, too. 125 gallon Oceanic. 2 clownfish, 2 firefish, 2 skunk shrimp, 1 yellow tang, 1 coral beauty, 1 royal gramma. I want another 6-line wrasse and I...
  14. DreamerTheresa

    Face to names

    l get stuuuu-uuu-uuupid for guys with black/dark hair and blue eyes. :love::love::love::love:
  15. DreamerTheresa

    Who's drunk right now!?

    Today's my Friday. WOOOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!
  16. DreamerTheresa

    Dammit china! Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew
  17. DreamerTheresa

    I got accepted!!1

    I told you I was drunk ;P I used to ride a quarter/percheron years ago. Smoothest damn canter of ANYTHING ever.
  18. DreamerTheresa

    I got accepted!!1

    We do health care correctly. :P I like warmblood types, but I don't need an 18hh monstrosity - I'm only 5'6". The Canadian breed is a smaller warmblood, and comes with a reasonable pricetag. Then again, MOST horses right now have a semi decent price tag, what with the high price of...
  19. DreamerTheresa

    A few pictures I took in Vegas

    Pics of wife or ban. Also: DAMN. I've never been to Vegas. SC promises he'll take me in the next couple years. Neat pics!
  20. DreamerTheresa

    I got accepted!!1

    Jesus tap dancing Christ. And I thought -= I =- was a masochist. Good luck to you. Your job will be long, hard, and mostly thankless. But I will thank you in advance. :) Also: TOTALLY off-topic, but what kinds of horses do you have? Quarters? (The one in this pic almost looks like a...