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  1. Adjuster

    VGT turbo

    I still think in the USA, and perhaps in other parts of the world, direct gas injection engines will remain popular. However, outside of the USA, diesel is the way to go due to taxes, and outright power production (Tourqe) for day to day use of the vehicle. (Besides the slightly better fuel...
  2. Adjuster

    MAFT-Pro VE Table

    So, back on topic, any VE breakthroughs, or is the key to just run it, tune it so it's stable, then pull the plug on the stock O2, and setup your AF tracking for low/mid/high? I was thinking the VE table setup was looking very promising... (And the MKIII tech site was down for what seemed...
  3. Adjuster

    Poorman's alt relocation!!!!

    As you have it now, YOUR WATER PUMP IS NOT TURNING WHEN THE ENGINE RUNS.. This as you might guess, is a BAD DEAL. :) Flip your AC tensioner over the right way, then get a longer belt, run it over the following.. Bell crank, Around the water pump. UNDER the AC tensioner.. Around the...
  4. Adjuster

    The (old) Official Gun Thread.

    The original magazine that came with my PT-92, has had years, and years of being fully loaded with 15 rounds, and when I got to the range, I empty the magazine of the teflon coated, hollow tip and nickle plated case'd rounds, and I load it up with whatever I bought cheap for the "plinkin" that's...
  5. Adjuster

    Advice on Machine Work For Fully Built Motor??

    Few things I noticed. Your using used pistons. Get them sonic cleaned, and then send them out, or have them coated. Thermal barrier on the crown. Thermal dispersant on the underside. Molydisulfied on the skirts. I don't see a reason for the billet mains, but be my guest. (Are you...
  6. Adjuster

    Extracting power without extracting the rods from the block

    I know adding the 6.5mm of extra stroke to the 7M added nearly 100lbs of tourqe to the engine at the same rpm, same turbo, same fuel... There were some other changes however, the engine was fresh, it also has coatings galore and now displaces 3.24L v/s the 2.9 something that the stocker...
  7. Adjuster

    Trying to Solve Fuel cut - at wits end - this one will stump you

    My experience with the bolt on T4 based turbo from ITS, with the Turbonetics sourced hot side housing was mixed. ON the stock 7MGTE it worked rather well. Raised the point where the exhaust flow was choaked off above the stock RPM range, so no more flat power over about 5500rpm.. I ported...
  8. Adjuster

    High rpm components, let's cover everything.

    JZ valves in the 7M head are only a theory as far as I know. (And I know a few of us have at various times, kicked around the idea..) Here is the poop. The valves are 1.5mm larger stock than the 7M valves. (From what I remember...) The valve stems are the same size diameter, but they are...
  9. Adjuster

    High rpm components, let's cover everything.

    I'm going to play devils advocate here for just a second. 1)With "stock" gearing, the 88T 5 speed tops out at over 170mph.. Do you need, or want to go faster than that? (Higher engine RPM will allow it, but a gear change would be less money...) 2) Do you want more power? You can get...
  10. Adjuster

    IS it my water pump?

    How's your fan clutch?
  11. Adjuster

    Do you want Energy Suspension Poly Bushings? READ HERE.

    So, where are we with this? Any more drive reports? (Now that I'm assuming the alignment is done?) Looking at this summer to do the suspension, and it would be nice to have some more options for bushings... Do you find they are too harsh? Or are they pretty compliant? Any more...
  12. Adjuster

    What's your guess on my ponies with these mods?

    Well the fans give you ricer points, so it increases your RHP, or Rice Horse Power, but they really suck at actually keeping your engine cool, so you lose real power... The other mods sound fine. Key points. Your exhaust is 3" from the turbo back? So no housing? If you have the housing...
  13. Adjuster

    No Groove on OBX Crank Pulley for Timing??

    Stock or ATI is the only way to go. The solid, underdrive type pullys are going to cause more problems than they solve. (And what are you looking for, more power?) Here is a simple tip for the 7M. :) (And all turbo engines for that matter.) Spend your money on gas flow mods. Larger air...
  14. Adjuster

    possibly supra powered cappuccino

    Put a tri rotor 13B based Mazda Rotary with a GT4088 turbo on there. :) Small engine, not much tourqe, but in a light car like that, who cares? It would be 500+hp possible, and the motor is about as big as a mini keg of beer. Short of that, get a Busa motor, turbo charge it, and put that...