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  1. Supra_Villan

    MK3 SUPRA 7mgte VS 180SX sr20det

    Ultimate thread fail. Quit being a pussy, race or shut up. Plain and simple.
  2. Supra_Villan

    7M+5M+6M+M3.....Confused??? :-)

    Mind sharing exactly what the mistake you made was?
  3. Supra_Villan

    7M+5M+6M+M3.....Confused??? :-)

    Wonderful, just simply wonderful. A very unique setup, all of the r&d and delicate work has definitely paid of! And you have some very impressive numbers to back it up, well done man.
  4. Supra_Villan

    Some pics of my Slowpra

    Tail lights went out today! Be there 2-3 business days, 2 packages, priority, tracking info, 50 bones worth lol.
  5. Supra_Villan

    Some pics of my Slowpra

    big improvement. gonna be sick when them 3pc tails get there this week ;)
  6. Supra_Villan

    Two Bad AFMs in 2 Months?

    the suction there wouldn't push it up all the way to the least i wouldn't think
  7. Supra_Villan

    Check it out, quality shave and color change...Body work is finished!

    any of the ones that don't pry on the targa and all around the windshield
  8. Supra_Villan

    2jzge-T swap notes and pricelists

    everything else he did went great! just that part....argh.....
  9. Supra_Villan

    2jzge-T swap notes and pricelists

    Yep oil pan was the first thing! My only hitch (so far) is the alternator plug. The rest has been well documented enough so i can find it rather well, any particular hitches you bumped into? And iny input on the head situation? I've downloaded the SC and the Mk4 TSRM's, but i can't find the RA...
  10. Supra_Villan

    Check it out, quality shave and color change...Body work is finished!

    how do you go aobut getting the window trim off? I can't figure it out for the life of me...
  11. Supra_Villan

    2jzge-T swap notes and pricelists

    EPIC. Thanks josh!! Also.....i just took my head to the machine shop for a valve job, and i asked him to get rid of all the viton....and he took it off....the wrong way, its perfectly straight on the bottom there was a 3-4 thousandths variation towards the rear cylinder, so he took some off of...
  12. Supra_Villan

    2jzge-T swap notes and pricelists

    cant find the pinouts on the oval style alternator plug from the 2jz, anyone?
  13. Supra_Villan

    C.44's Build

    kickin ass!
  14. Supra_Villan

    TX2K10 update

  15. Supra_Villan

    TX2K10 update

    Dok i wanna see some good tires on there and lay some real times down!
  16. Supra_Villan

    TX2K10 update

    damn man....i hope the pistons aren't damaged.
  17. Supra_Villan

    TX2K10 update

    Not bad on the 1.85! The sputtering sucks though, one day man. Persistence is key! Are you still on the safc? What fuel are you running? How sure are you its hitting the head? How does this happen on a non-interference motor? You still on stock internals with MHG right?
  18. Supra_Villan

    TX2K10 update

    yeah nice guy. Congrats on your time! Almost in the 11's! What was your 60ft?