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  1. DreamerTheresa

    my wife & myself at a ball.....

    That she is, good sir. Holy shit.
  2. DreamerTheresa

    Toyota MR-5???

    Love the hell out of mine, just wish they hadn't neutered the poor thing. Will eventually put a 2zzge in mine (the Celica GTS engine) and give the car the power it woefully lacks.
  3. DreamerTheresa


    1 clown fish (I need to get him another buddy after he committed suicide by jumping in the protein skimmer) 1 fire fish (who ALSO needs another buddy) 1 yellow tang 1 hippo tang 1 royal gramma 1 coral beauty dwarf angel fish 2 skunk cleaner shrimp 4(?) emerald crabs a few dwarf hermits snails a...
  4. DreamerTheresa

    Theresa's Art Thread (( IMAGE HEAVY ))

    Like I ever finish ANYTHING I start.... here's a new unicorn in progress:
  5. DreamerTheresa

    Faces to Names 3: It's Now Personal ;) |NEW PICS REQUIRED|

    What everyone thinks of SupraCentral and me...
  6. DreamerTheresa

    Oh hi. What have I been up to?

    Just cuz he's girlie, doesn't mean he doesn't have Tab A.
  7. DreamerTheresa

    Oh hi. What have I been up to?

    Except that Puck is a guy and Demona is a girl, so of COURSE he's gonna be poking her goodies.
  8. DreamerTheresa

    this is epic i saw this on ebaums world (( NWS for language ))

    I would have paid money to have seen that.
  9. DreamerTheresa

    Oh hi. What have I been up to?

    ...Is that gay porn in your avatar, sir?
  10. DreamerTheresa

    If you guys don't mind, check out my site.

    This is about all I can come up with right now. I'll look again when I'm not intoxicated. :)
  11. DreamerTheresa

    Oh hi. What have I been up to?

    Ah miss mah Joe!!!
  12. DreamerTheresa

    Interesting sig idea

    That's nice.
  13. DreamerTheresa

    Getting my 75 celica a motor.

  14. DreamerTheresa

    me and my brothers work

    I'm watching CSI, so I have it on mute. Religious or no, you guys do great work!
  15. DreamerTheresa

    Some Simple Tricks for Saving Money

    Phoenix - what store? Aldi? We have one not too far from us, but I've never been in one. Pasta is quick, cheap, and easy. I like to get some italian sausage, some pasta of choice, and some alfredo sauce. Two boxes of pasta, two pounds of sausage, three jars of sauce is like... $12. Mostly...
  16. DreamerTheresa

    Some Simple Tricks for Saving Money

    I figured some of you might benefit from some tricks Mike and I have been using. First and foremost, you MUST learn discipline. *One of the best tricks is a scheme we both first learned from local radio talk show host, Neal Boortz. Simply, DO NOT spend your $1 bills. Put them in a...
  17. DreamerTheresa

    Help! My sig is badly outdated.....

    Dude. That is a FINE ASS MKIII. I would totally have sex with your car. :drool:
  18. DreamerTheresa

    ever had a real asshole moment?

    I didn't know whether to laugh or be ready to jump the guy. And Johnny? Oh my god. EPIC POST OF AWESOME.
  19. DreamerTheresa

    ever had a real asshole moment?

    Well, I'd say they happen when you sleep.... but you've nailed me in the eye with your elbow on more than a few occasions.
  20. DreamerTheresa

    ever had a real asshole moment?

    Drive thru at a CVS to pick up my anti-baby drugs. There's a guy three cars ahead of me who is taking FOREVER. FOREVER. The two cars in front of me are gesturing and starting to honk their horns. "What a douche," I thought. "Why couldn't he have just gone into the goddamn store if he were...