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  1. R

    What is EVO?

    I have an 89 and I have thought it had speed sensitive steering but wasn't for sure...I didn't notice it until I got my speedo fixed and it steering felt completely different afterwards.
  2. R


    Mid October would be better for me.
  3. R

    Carpool info for Chicago 2006 supra meet

    glad you're coming....cause MDC is going to put you in your place or so he worth seeing for sure.
  4. R

    How do you pronounce the Supra generations? POLL

    Mark is my younger brother...and trust me you don't want him any where near your supra.....
  5. R

    Pics of Spearco IC??

    how must better do they flow/cool compared to stock?
  6. R

    car stalling

    then he needs to refer to my first post and answer those questions
  7. R

    car stalling

    do you mean shifting into drive as in you have a Auto Transmission?
  8. R

    Carpool info for Chicago 2006 supra meet

    w/e you wish! oh yeah...forgot we would probably be heading that way.
  9. R

    Carpool info for Chicago 2006 supra meet

    glad to hear that....are you going to drive up with Matt and I? if so where are you going to meet us?
  10. R

    Carpool info for Chicago 2006 supra meet

    you couldn't get anymore correct.
  11. R

    Carpool info for Chicago 2006 supra meet

    Track day Friday Dyno day is Saturday...really the main reason I'm going as well. You are more then welcome to head back when I do.
  12. R

    car stalling

    did you just replace the BOV as well from stock...if so venting in to atmosphere will do this compared to dumping it back into to accordion hose. I just had this problem and going back to the stock BOV cleared that right up.
  13. R

    Carpool info for Chicago 2006 supra meet

    You better go dude, we all need to see those Dyno Numbers!!! I'm only staying 1 night. I will be coming back Saturday afternoon evening cause I don't have the money to stay any longer. don't be like all the ricers that can't go at the last min. You can even draft me all the way there and back...
  14. R


    I would love to go but I will be on a cruise that weekend.......getting married...maybe it can wait!!!